Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Story So Far

[No clever title for this one cuz I'm just re-posting what I've posted somewhere else. Also, I still have no idea what Jason's last name should be.]
    Heart pounding, fingers tingling, Aria clicked the play button excitedly. She squealed as soon as she heard the sweet voice of her beloved Jason ______.
     "What's wrong with you?" Her friend Alissa asked as she stepped out of the hotel room's bathroom.
     "Do you even know me at all?" Aria joked, keeping her eyes on her computer screen.
     Alissa laughed. "Okay, so what has the great Jason ______ done now?"
     "It's an interview about his latest T.V. show," Aria answered robotically since by this time she was completely mesmerized by her actor.
     "That sci-fi one where he hunts down all those deadly, psycho killers in search of the leader who killed his wife?"
     "Alright. We'll head out when you're done then?"
     "Yup! We'll be in New York soon!"
     "And then you can stalk him~!" Alissa teased.
     "Oh shut up!" Aria laughed. "But I won't pretend that I'm not praying we happen to meet him."
     Aria Santos first saw Jason ______ during the summer when she was seventeen years old in a movie her older brother made her watch. At first, she was quite reluctant to watch it because it didn't sound like the kind of movie she'd enjoy, but as soon as the film started she fell in love with both the movie and one of the lead actors. She then watched it everyday. After watching it for about the fourth time she decided to look up more about the man who played her favorite character. She giggled at herself when she found out that the guy she thought was "so hot and so unbelievably cute" was twenty-five years older than her. Her feelings grew as she watched more videos of him and read more about him. When she found out that he had an eleven year old son she was sad because she had assumed that that also meant that he was married, but then she realized that he was still single although he looked after his son properly. There was hardly a moment when she was not daydreaming about him. Just so she could see him, she watched almost all of the movies he'd ever been in. She often complained to her friends and family that the majority of his movies were depressing, disturbing, or scary thrillers. "Why can't he just do a few comedies?!" she would whine.
     A year had past since she first saw Jason. Following their successful graduation, she and her best friend Alissa decided to move from California to New York for college in search of a little adventure away from home.
     "Hey, Aria, what do you want for your birthday?" Alissa asked as they coasted along the highway.
     "It doesn't matter. As long as you put thought into it I'll definitely like it," Aria said with a smile.
     "Sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to get Jason for you."
     Aria laughed heartily. "I'll get over it eventually!"

    The girls finally reached their apartment in New York City late in the afternoon. As soon as they checked in they headed out into the city to look for a grocery store.
     "I feel like making tortillas, refried beans, and carne asada!" Aria said cheerfully. "We should have some corn too! What do think?" When a few seconds had gone by and she'd heard no response from Alissa, Aria looked at her friend who was standing, wide-eyed, looking across the street. "What's the matter with you?"
     Alissa pointed in the direction she was staring. "Do you not see them?"
     Aria turned her attention to what Alissa was looking at. Had she been a cartoon character her eyes would have bulged out of her face. There on the other side was Jason and his son Marcus. Her heart pounded painfully as she debated with her self whether or not to suggest crossing the street. Just before she made her decision, Alissa said, "Hurry up! If we don't go now we could lose 'em!" Aria grinned from ear to ear and hugged her friend quickly before they rushed across the street. They walked swiftly in Jason's direction. Jason and Marcus rounded the corner. Aria and Alissa weren't too far behind. Suddenly, Aria burst into laughter. She held her sides as she guffawed and collapsed.
     "Are you ok?" Alissa couldn't be any more confused.
     "Do you remember when we were in seventh grade, my mom was driving us home and Carmen and Vanessa wanted her to follow the car in front of us because it belonged to the guy they had a crush on?"
     Alissa began to laugh too. "I remember! Those weirdoes!"
     Right then, music came blaring from Aria's pocket. "Why does my iPod decide to play music whenever it wants?!" She went to turn it off, but realized it was the theme from the first Pokémon movie and so began to sing along instead. A moment later, Marcus was kneeling beside her. "Excuse me," he said sweetly, "I really like that song but I don't remember the name. Could you tell me?"
     Aria looked at him in wonder. “It’s called 'Pokémon Theme' from the first Pokémon movie."
     "Oh! Did you buy it on iTunes?"
     "No. I have the cd," she said, still not fully believing that Jason's son was talking to her. Of course, if she had only looked up she would have seen Jason himself standing by Alissa and smiling at her. "I could lend it to you if you like."
     "Really?" he asked excitedly.
     "Yeah! It's back at the apartment."
     "Dad, can we go?" Marcus asked, looking up at his father.
     Aria looked up too and almost squealed with glee at seeing Jason so close. "It's alright with me," he said with a smile.
     "Awesome!" Marcus jumped up along with Aria. He grabbed her hand and said, "Will you play it from the beginning? I'll sing it with you!"

     "Here you are Marcus," Aria said, still trying not to squeal in happiness.
     Marcus gave her a hug. "Thank you! I promise to bring it back as soon as I'm done."
     She smiled at his adorable gratitude. "It's alright, you can keep it as long as you-" Her cell phone began to ring, it was the theme song to Jason's T.V. show. Face bright red, Aria hurried to answer it. "Hello? . . . Yeah . . . Oh . . ." her expression changed to that of worry. "Ok, I understand. Thank you for calling." Aria hung up. She sighed heavily and sank to the floor, her back against the wall. Her eyes were closed but she was facing the ceiling.
     "What's wrong?" Alissa asked quietly, slowly kneeling by her side.
     Aria took a deep breath. "It was the doctor I went to see the other day." She took a moment to keep herself collected before taking another deep breath.
     "Are you ok?" Marcus asked as he approached her. "Did the doctor tell you something bad?"
     Aria gulped back tears. "No. It's nothing. I'm alright."
     "Are you sure? You look really-"
     Jason put his hand on his son’s shoulder and shook his head at him. "You mentioned on the way here that you guys were out looking for a grocery store right? Marcus and I will show you a place nearby that has really great prices. If you like, that is."
     Aria grinned. He's such a nice guy. "We'd love that. Thank you."
     Just as everyone was about to get in the elevator, Aria said she left her phone in the room and went back to get it. She told everyone to go ahead and wait outside for her. As soon as she was out of sight, Marcus said, "I don't think we should leave her alone." Alissa looked at him, surprised. He started to follow Aria so Jason and Alissa followed him. When they got to the beginning of the hall where the girls' apartment was they saw Aria coming out of the room.
     "You guys wait here," Alissa said. She went up to Aria and tapped her shoulder. "Hey, what did the doctor say?"
     Marcus looked up at his father. "Dad, you have good hearing right? What are they saying?"
     This is one of those times when I wish I didn't have such good hearing. "Marcus, it's a private conversation."
     "He told me I'm going to have to have a procedure done. It's the only way he can be sure if his theory is right. I'm going to be put under anesthesia and there are gonna be three incisions. I don't know what to think right now. I don't want to talk about it."
      Although he couldn't hear anything, Marcus could tell by the look on his dad's face that whatever Aria was saying wasn't happy so he ran out and shouted, "Aria, Alissa, let's go already!"

     Once at the market, Marcus grabbed Alissa's hand. "I'll help Alissa find stuff for dessert. Dad, you help Aria." He practically skipped away, Alissa in tow.
     He doesn't know I like his dad, does he? Whatever the reason, I should thank him later. Ah! But I get so nervous so easily I'll probably just end up making a fool of myself. Well, that happens a lot anyway, I don't need to be alone with Jason to accomplish that. Aria was so lost in thought she couldn't hear the first two times Jason cleared his throat to get her attention. The third time, he leaned in beside her ear before clearing his throat. Aria almost screamed. "Oh! Sorry! Let's get going. Um, where's the meat section?"
     Jason chuckled at her reaction. "This way."

     "Okay, now all we need is flour and I've got everything for dinner." She was about to start walking toward the aisle with flour but doubled over in pain instead.
     Jason reached out and touched her back gently. "Are you ok?"
     Aria didn't answer. She was focused on the pain. After about a minute passed the pain subsided and she said, "I'm ok. Sorry."
     "No need to be sorry." Jason thought for a bit before saying, "Aria, I'm sorry, but earlier I heard you telling Alissa about the call from your doctor."
     Aria looked at him, a touch of fear in her expression. "You heard?"
     The face she was making made Jason feel bad for having listened. "I did. And I'm very sorry. It's just that, if you want to talk, you can talk to me. I know that sometimes it's easier to be honest with someone you don't know very well. I promise I won't say anything to anyone, so if you want to, I'm here and I'll listen properly." Aria was so moved by his kindness that she covered her mouth and blinked away tears furiously. Jason panicked a little. "I-I'm sorry! Did I upset you by bringing it up? I'm sorry."
     Aria shook her head vigorously. "No. I'm grateful to you. You see, I have a medical condition. I won't go into a lot of detail, but it causes me pain everyday. Sometimes the pain is so unbearable that I'm hardly able to move without a stabbing pain shooting through me. I thought it would just go away or something, but it's been almost half of a year and during the road trip here it got so bad, Alissa was so worried, she made me go to a hospital. And you already know what the doctor said." By the end of her story, Aria was unable to stop her tears from flowing. "I'm really scared. I've never been under anesthesia before. What if something goes wrong?"
     Just then, a pair of elderly women was passing and they said as though they were scolding Jason, "What kind of a boyfriend just lets his girlfriend cry like that?" "Young men these days aren't as attentive as they used to be." "It's such a shame."
    They're right. Even though I'm not her boyfriend, I can't just let her cry. He hugged Aria tightly. "It's alright." He rubbed her back softly. "I know how scared you must be. Don't worry. I'm sure everything will be fine."
     Aria took a deep breath. His cologne smells so good. His hair is so soft. Such a warm hug. I'm glad he's taller than me. It's always a little weird when a guy smaller than me hugs me. Of course, that's often the case since I'm 5'8" after all. Aria hugged him back. After a couple minutes went by, she pulled away just enough to see his face. She gazed into his gorgeous blue eyes. "Thank you. I feel much better now."
     "That's good," he said as he let go of her.
     Aria reached up and ruffled his already naturally scruffy, short brown hair. "You're so nice!"
     "Am I a dog now?" he laughed.
     "Are you guys ready?" Marcus called as he ran towards them.
     "Yeah." Aria smiled at him. "What did you and Alissa choose for dessert?"
     "Cookies! Oh! Dad, Alissa said it would be ok if we had dinner with her and Aria! Can we?" Marcus asked as he tugged at his dad's arm.
     Jason gave a short laugh. "If it's really alright with you," he said to the girls.
     Alissa nodded and Aria said, "It's alright."

     Marcus and Jason watched T.V. until dinner was ready because although they wanted to help, there wasn't enough room in the kitchen. The small circular dinner table was just big enough for the four of them. Marcus sat on his father's left and Alissa made sure she sat beside Marcus. Aria was the last to sit and did so hesitantly. "Aria these tortillas are really good!" Marcus said happily with a mouth full of food.
     Jason laughed. "Marcus, wait until your done chewing before speaking."
     "Sorry, I was just struck by how yummy it was." Marcus gave another of his adorable smiles. He noticed that Aria was grinning at him. "What are you thinking?"
     Without thinking, funnily enough, she blurted, "Your smile is just like your father's! It's adorable!" Almost as soon as the comment escaped her lips she realized what she'd said and blushed. She quickly looked at Jason to see his reaction.
     He looked surprised for a moment, then smiled. "Thank you."
     Aria could feel her heart throbbing. "You're welcome."

     When dinner was over Marcus said, "Alissa promised to show me how to use Photoshop so, Dad why don't you help Aria make the cookies?"
     "I'm not sure of how much help I can be, but if you don't mind?" Jason said with a small smile and shrug.
     Aria returned the smile and said, "Not at all. Just give me a second. I need to talk to Alissa." Aria grabbed her friend's arm and dragged her into the adjacent room. "What's going on? Why does Marcus keep putting his father and me together? Did you tell him that I like his dad?" Aria asked in a low, hurried whisper.
     Alissa shook her head emphatically. "I swear! The kid figured it out himself. When we were looking for something for dessert he said, 'Alissa, you know right? Aria likes my dad doesn't she?' I was shocked at first but told him yeah. Then he said, 'I knew it! Okay, so let's give Aria lots of time with my dad.' I was surprised by what he said so I asked him why and he said, 'Aria is a good girl. I can tell. There are always so many ladies around my dad and so many of them are annoying or mean, but Aria isn't like them. I hope they become good friends!'"
     Aria's jaw dropped. What a sweet boy! Imma make an extra big cookie just for him! She walked back into the kitchen and told Marcus he could go and play with Alissa now. As she gathered together all the ingredients for the cookies, she wore a huge goofy smile. Jason approached her and whispered, "Aria?"
     She jumped and almost dropped the bag of chocolate chips that was in her hands. Jason immediately put his hands out to help her catch them. Her heart thudded against her chest when she realized his hands were touching hers. She was so embarrassed she could feel her ears getting hot. "Y-yeah?"
     Jason turned toward where Marcus and Alissa were. "Do you think Marcus likes your friend?"
     Aria burst out laughing. "What? No!"
     Jason was confused by her reaction. "Then why does he keep wanting to spend time with her?"
     Again, Aria could feel her ears heating up. "Oh, um, about that . . . I think it's just coincidence."
     "Yeah. I think if he liked her, wouldn't he be less likely to make it seem so obvious?" Aria said, fumbling as she poured the ingredients into the bowl. "Would you pass me the eggs?"
     Jason handed her the carton. "That's true of most boys, but Marcus has always been pretty honest about his feelings."
     Aria was getting more and more nervous. Stop asking things! "Has he ever liked anyone?"
     Jason looked at her and thought for a moment. "No, not that I know of anyway."
     "There you are then. If he hasn't liked anyone before then you don't know how he would act. If he has, you couldn't tell. Either way, it's a very mysterious thing so maybe later you should just ask him." And stop asking me.
     "Yeah. That's true. Do you need my help? I feel like I'm just bothering you while you do all the work." Jason gave her a shy smile.
     Aria's heart seemed to want to fly out of her chest. "I-I have already mixed everything so you can help me put the cookies on the sheet." Jason came over. He was barely a foot away from her. Ah! I can smell his cologne again. I wonder what it's called. Suddenly I feel much hotter. Is it because I'm embarrassed or because his body is so close? "You can just use your hands to form the cookie," she said nervously. Jason stepped forward and reached passed her to the bowl. Aria closed her eyes. Calm down Aria! Calm down!
     "Are you okay?"
     Aria opened her eyes and saw Jason's face only four inches away from hers. She was so surprised, a short scream escaped her and she fell back. The back of her head slammed against the drawer. "Ow!"
     Jason quickly put down the cookie he'd made and wiped his hands on his jeans before kneeling down beside Aria and holding the back of her head gently. "Are you ok? Sorry I scared you."
     She shook her head gingerly. "I'm fine. It's my fault for not paying attention."
     Alissa and Marcus came running in. "Dad, did you hurt Aria?"
     "No, Marcus, it's my fault," Aria said as she slowly got up with Jason's help. "I'm fine. I just need to sit down for a little bit."
     "Alissa and I will finish the cookies then," Marcus announced. "Dad, you better watch Aria and make sure she doesn't have brain damage."
     Aria laughed. "I think I already did, so no need to worry about that."
     Alissa nodded. "Yeah, Aria's crazy. The hit might make her normal."
     Aria stuck her tongue out at Alissa. "The same can be said for you! Plus you hang out with me so my crazy isn't bad."

     Jason helped Aria sit down on the couch. "Do you wanna watch T.V.?"
     "No. I kinda just wanna close my eyes," she said as she did so. Jason nodded. There was silence for a few minutes. It made Aria uncomfortable so she asked, "How is filming going?"
     "Hm? Great! We're close to finishing the filming for this season."
     "Are you going to miss your co-stars?"
     "Yeah. We're kinda like a family now. But it's not like we'll never see each other again, you know? We'll keep in touch until we come together again for the next season."
     "That's nice. Do you have any other projects in the works?"
     "Well, we're working on a third movie for the (I can't think of a title) series, but nothing definite yet. That's it really." Jason paused. "I've only been talking about myself."
     "That's ok. I like hearing your voice." Aria immediately regretted saying something so embarrassing, but was grateful that her eyes were closed so she wouldn't have to see the face he made.
     Jason smiled warmly. She keeps complimenting me. "Why did you come to New York?"
     "For college."
     Jason jumped a little. "College? How old are you?"
     "You sound surprised," she laughed. "I'm eighteen. How old did you think I was?"
     Jason put his face in his hands. "I thought you looked young, but from the way you act I thought maybe somewhere in your twenties."
     Aria laughed again. "I don't know how to take that. Why do you sound so bothered by it?"
     "Well, it's weird for someone my age to be spending so much time with someone your age. And you even made dinner for me. What have I done? I've made you cry and hit your head."
     Aria was about to say something, but Marcus, who had come to tell them the first batch of cookies was ready, said, "It doesn't matter how old someone is. If you get along what does it matter? It's rude to Aria if you suddenly start treating her differently just because of her age."
     Jason grinned. "You're right Marcus."
     "Of course I am! Now let's have cookies!"
     When everyone had finished dessert, Marcus talked them into watching a movie in the living room. The couch could only fit two people at a time so Marcus and Alissa sat on the floor in front of the couch while Aria and Jason sat on the couch itself. Aria found it difficult to focus on the movie. She kept stealing glances at Jason. Seriously Marcus, while I very much appreciate your efforts, if you keep doing stuff like this I’m sure your dad’s going to figure it out. She thought while looking at Jason’s hair. A few minutes went by and she was still paying more attention to Jason’s hair than to the movie. When Jason hugged me earlier his hair felt so soft. I wonder what shampoo he uses. Absentmindedly, Aria reached her hand out slowly towards him.
    “Is there something in my hair?” Jason whispered so he wouldn’t bother those who were actually watching the movie.
    Aria regained her senses in a flash. She was suddenly aware that she had scooted closer to him and that his face was less than a foot away. Then she noticed that her fingers were a couple centimeters from his hair. Just as quickly as she’d seen it, she pulled her hand back and gasped.
     Jason ran his fingers through his hair, still looking at Aria. “Nothing?”
     “I-I thought I saw f-fluff, but I was wr-wrong,” she stammered as she turned away. Damn it! I can feel it. I must be so red right now. Can he tell? What the hell was I doing? There I was thinking Marcus was gonna give me away but seems like I’m doing a fine job of that myself. Her heart beat rapidly. I’m so stupid! “I have to go the bathroom,” she said, getting up too quickly. Her legs weren’t ready to support her and she fell back, into Jason’s lap.
     “Are you ok?” he whispered passed her ear.
     Too close! She felt his hot breath on the back of her neck. The smell of his cologne, the closeness of his low voice, the heat from his body, the feeling of his large hands holding her all quickly became much too much. She shivered. Dear God, SERIOUSLY? She had to collect herself before answering. “I’m ok. It seems my legs felt like clocking out early today.” He chuckled. She loved the sound of his low, rumbling laugh.
     “Can you stand?”
     “Yes.” But I really don’t want to. He helped her up. “Sorry.”
     “It’s fine. Can you walk?”
     “Yeah. I can feel my legs again.”

     The movie was over by the time Aria returned. “Well, we’ll be going now,” Jason said. “Thank you for the wonderful meal and cookies.”
     “Hey Aria, can I see your phone for a second?” Marcus asked sleepily.
     “Sure.” She handed it to him. “Why?”
     “I’m going to text myself so you’ll have my number and I’ll have yours,” he said simply.
     Jason looked at his son incredulously, Alissa laughed a little, and Aria’s jaw dropped. Little ladies’ man. “How long a text are you sending, it’s taking longer than I thought it-”
     A muffled little tune played from inside the pocket of Jason’s jeans. Everyone looked at Marcus as Jason took his phone out. “I texted Dad too in case you wanted to talk to him later too.” Marcus gave Aria her phone back.
     Her hand shook a little as she pocketed it. Oh my God, Marcus, I know you’re trying to be helpful, but there’s no way your father wants me to have his number. Right now he’s probably thinking of a nice way to ask me to not text him. While Marcus was asking for Alissa’s number too, Aria went up to Jason and whispered nervously, “Don’t worry, I won’t text you.”
     Jason looked at her, somewhat surprised. “Why not? You don’t like me?” he joked.
     Aria’s heart throbbed sweetly when she saw his gentle smile. “You don’t mind if I have your number?”
     Jason patted her head. “Not at all. Text me if you need me. Oh, and only send me chain messages if they’re funny.”
     She gave him a great big smile of relief and glee. “Ok!”
     “Ready to go, Marcus?”
     “Yup! Bye Alissa! Bye Aria!”
     Just as they were about to leave Aria said, “Wait Marcus!” He turned around and she bent down and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Thanks,” she whispered. Marcus blushed a little, but smiled grandly. “Be safe on your way back ok?” she directed at both him and his father.

     A few days later Aria sat at the dinner table, staring at her phone. Alissa sighed when she saw her. “Look, if you wanna text him: TEXT HIM THEN.”
     Aria looked up at her, her eyes big. “But what if he’s busy and gets mad at me?” she said with a pout.
     Alissa gave a loud, aggravated sigh. “Then don’t text and stop sitting there looking so depressing! Let’s go somewhere to distract you.”
     The girls had been out wandering the streets of New York for about two hours when Marcus called Aria. “Hello? . . . Walking around with Alissa . . . What? . . .” Aria’s face fell,” Oh. Well, I don’t think there’s- . . . Marcus, I . . . Ok! I get it! We’ll be right over.”
     “What was that all about?”
     “Marcus said Jason’s going on date tonight and the babysitter just canceled so while Jason was looking for someone else he called me. He said I absolutely have to come.” Aria sighed sadly.

     Aria knocked on the door of Jason’s apartment. Why did I come here? I don’t want to see him all excited about a date.
     Jason looked completely surprised to see Aria and Alissa at the door. “How did you-?”
     Marcus came running up behind him. “You’re here! Dad, Aria and Alissa can look after me while you’re away right?”
     Still quite taken aback, Jason nodded. “Sure. When did you call them?”
     “While you were still on the phone with that lady I don’t like. Come on in!” He motioned to Alissa and Aria. Jason moved aside to let them pass and closed the door behind them. Marcus led them to the living room. “Aria, you look really pretty today! Doesn’t she look pretty, Dad?”
     Jason looked at Aria who was trying her utmost to keep from blushing. “You look pretty,” he said before leaving the room. When he came back, he gave Marcus a kiss on the cheek and told him to be a good boy. “Ok. I think I have everything. I’ll be back around nine. You guys can order food or make some if you want. Feel free to use anything in the kitchen. See you later!”
     Marcus watched his dad walk away and gave an exasperated sigh. “He forgot his phone again. Aria will you go give it to him?”
     “Me?” Marcus offered it to her. “Marcus, I-”
     “Aria, please?” He made a really cute puppy-dog face.
     “O-ok!” He’s too adorable! Aria ran out after Jason. “Jason, wait!”
     He stopped. “Something wrong?”
     “Your phone.”
     He checked his pockets, then saw it in her hands. “I forgot it again,” he laughed. As she handed it to him she looked at the way her was dressed. He had on a white button-down, long-sleeved shirt; a black jacket; black slacks; and black shoes. Much different from the t-shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes he wore when we last met. She could tell he’d tried to get his hair more in-keeping with the rest of his look, but to no avail. I wonder what kind of person he’s meeting with tonight. Is she nice? “Aria?”
     His voice snapped her back to attention. “Yeah?”
     “Do you like cats?”
     “A friend of mine has a cat that just had kittens and Marcus really wants one, but we can’t keep one at our place and I was hoping maybe, if you didn’t mind, you could keep the cat with you. That way Marcus could visit you and it at the same time. He really seems to like you guys. I’d pay for everything of course. Would you mind?”
     “Why can’t you guys keep it?” Why did I ask that? Does it matter? Why didn’t I just say yes?
     “Our neighbor is horribly allergic. She has, like, super cat senses. Another neighbor had a cat and she bitched at them until they got rid of it.”
     “Wow. Seriously? That’s majorly bitchy!”
     Jason laughed. “I know! So, will you do it?”
     “Of course!” Wow. Is it just me or did I sound way too eager just now?
     “Great! Don’t tell Marcus. I want it to be a surprise. I’ll come by soon to drop the kitten off.” He looked at his watch. “Oh no! I’m gonna be late! Thank you!” He gave her forehead a quick kiss before running off.
     Aria’s jaw dropped. She couldn’t move. She stood frozen for a while before it finally sank in. When it did, she had to clench her fists to prevent herself from squealing out of pure delight. She skipped back to the apartment.
     “What’s with the dumb grin?” Alissa asked playfully.
     “Your petty insults phase me not, my dear mood-killer!” She gave Marcus a kiss on the top of his head. “You’re precious!”
     “What happened?” he asked eagerly.
     “If I told you, I would end up telling a secret so I can’t say~!” Aria danced around the room. “Marcus, what do you want for dinner? I’ll make you anything you want! Or buy you anything you want!”
     “And here we thought you were upset because Jason was going on a date,” Alissa said. Suddenly, Aria fell back to Earth. Marcus gave Alissa a you-shouldn’t-have-said-that look. “Oops.” Aria slumped onto the couch beside Marcus.
     “It’s ok Aria, I’m sure my dad won’t like her! He goes on a date about twice a month, but it’s not because he likes who he’s with.”
     Aria pouted at him. “What makes you think that?”
     “Because whenever he comes back he looks tired and bothered. He never looks happy or relaxed.”
     She sighed. “Marcus, why did you want us to come over? And, Alissa told me you want me to be friends with your dad, but maybe you shouldn’t be trying so much.”
     “Aria, what would you do if I was sick?”
     “If I had a fever and was throwing up, what would you do?”
     “I’d call your dad, put you in bed, give you some medicine, see how high you temperature was, put a waste basket by your bed in case you couldn’t make it to the bathroom. I’d give you lots of fluids, maybe some crackers if you were up to them. I’d sit by you and talk to you, read to you, watch T.V. or a movie with you if you wanted. Why?”
     He smiled at her. “You’re really nice. None of the ladies around my dad would be so nice. I really want to show my dad that you’re much better than them. Aria, do you like my dad?”
     Aria wasn’t sure what to say. She was flattered by what Marcus had said, but she didn’t know if she should let him keep trying to play matchmaker. Who Jason is with is Jason’s choice. She had no right to be pushing herself into his life. After some thought she said, “I like him, Marcus, but-”
     “LIKE like him?”
     “Yes, Marcus, but-”
     “But what?” he whined.
     “It’s your father’s business. It would be rude to keep pestering him.”
     “All the women around him right now are doing that without a second thought. It’s because you worry about it like that that I know you’re a billion times better than them. Aria, please. He’s my dad so I know him better than almost everyone, maybe even more than he knows himself. My dad needs you. I need you. Please trust me Aria. I know I’m only a kid, but I know what I’m talking about. If my dad looks like he doesn’t like it then we’ll stop, but until then please don’t give up!” Marcus was so sincere and looked so much like he was about to cry that Aria couldn’t help but concede.
     “Alright, Marcus. I trust you.” Marcus gave her a big hug.

     Two hours later, while Aria was tucking Marcus into bed he said, “Aria, you’re a lot like a mom.”
     She smiled tenderly at him. “Am I?”
     “Uh-huh! You’re really nice.”
     “I’m glad. I really want to be a good mother.”
     “Can I call you ‘Mama Aria’?”
     Aria was so touched she felt tears welling up. “If you like.”
     “Goodnight Mama Aria.”
     “Goodnight Marcus,” she said with a kiss. After turning off his bedroom light and closing the door she went to watch T.V. with Alissa. “What time is it?” she yawned.
     “A quarter to nine.”
     He’ll be back soon then. She curled up on the couch.

     “Aria? Aria?” That sounds like Jason. Why is Jason here? She blinked her eyes open slowly to adjust to the light. “Are you awake?” When she finally remembered where she was she immediately sat up and looked around. Jason was crouching beside her.
     “Where’s Alissa?”
     “She went to the bathroom. Do you want some tea? I just made a pot,” he offered as he got up and went into the kitchen.
     “Sure. When’d you get back?” Aria stretched. What’s on me? She looked down and saw that Jason had covered her with his jacket.
     He walked back into the room carrying to mugs. “About fifteen minutes ago. You were sleeping so peacefully I couldn’t bring myself to wake you. Plus Alissa said she wanted to finish the show she was watching before going back.”
     Aria took the mug he gave her gratefully. “Thanks,” she mumbled with a blush.
     “You’re welcome. How was your evening?” He sat beside her.
     “Nice. Marcus is a really good boy. You’ve raised him well.”
     “Thank you.” This time Jason blushed a little bit. “His mother does a better job, though, I think.”
     “He was telling me about her. She sounds like a very nice woman.”
     “She is.” Jason said this with a look of sadness.
     What’s with that? Does he still have feelings for her? “How was your evening?” Why did the hell did I ask that?
     Jason’s expression changed again. He really did look bothered remembering it. “Nothing special. I spent the entire night listening to how impressive her father is and how lucky I am that he knows me and approves of my character. It was unbelievably uncomfortable. I wish I’d been here with you instead.”
     I know that when he says “you” he means everyone that was here, but I’m still incredibly happy. “Really? Sorry to hear that.”
     “It’s ok.” He smiled at her and laughed a little.
     “What?” She smiled back.
     “What? You’re being suspicious!” She scooted toward him. “Tell me!”
     “I was just thinking that talking to you felt unusually natural. Like I’ve known you all my life.”
     “You mean all MY life,” Aria joked. “I am younger than you after all.”
     Jason laughed. “True!” He sighed happily. “I haven’t felt this relaxed in a while. Especially this evening! That woman made me tense.” He rolled his shoulders back.
     “I could give you a massage if you like. My karate-chop style is the bomb,” Aria said with mock brimming confidence.
     He laughed again. “Really? I’ll be the judge of that then,” he said with a small smirk.
     “I won’t allow you to look down on me, Sir!” Jason turned his back to her as she moved closer to him.
     “Who told you your karate-chop style was so amazing?”
     “People in my choir in high school.”
     “Choir? You gave massages in choir?”
     “Yup! Because you use your whole body to sing so you must properly stretch and such.”
     “I had no idea.”
     “Well, now you’ve learned three things.”
     “One: I was in choir in high school. Two: you sing with your entire body. Three: my karate-chop style rocks.”
     Laughing again, Jason replied, “I haven’t told you I agree with that.”
     “Oh Mr. Stuck-up,” she said, “What is your verdict then?”
     Jason waited a while before answering. “I think that your karate-chop style . . .”
     “Yes?” Aria asked somewhat impatiently.
     “ . . . is NOT the bomb.” Aria punched his back lightly. “Ow! It’s not the bomb, it’s KICK-ASS!”
     Aria leaned against his back as she shook with laughter. “Is it now?”
     “It is!” Jason said through his own laughter. “I feel MUCH better.”
     As Aria stopped laughing she became aware of Jason’s cologne. He’s wearing a different one today. This one doesn’t smell as nice. She slipped into her thoughts once again. His back is really nice. It’s broad and sturdy, not to mention muscular. As if by nature, she rested against it. What a nice feeling. It’s very warm. Comfortable too.
     “Are you falling asleep?”
     Aria jumped back. “Sorry! I guess I really tired myself out today.” She placed her hand behind her head and laughed nervously. What is WRONG with me?!
     “It’s ok.” Jason turned to face her. “Thank you.”
     Her heart squeezed. Again with that smile. I’m so weak to that smile! “For what?”
     “For everything. For watching Marcus. For bringing me my phone. For agreeing to help me with the kitten. For giving me that kick-ass karate-chop style massage. For making me laugh. If you weren’t here when I got home today I’m sure I would have gone to bed extremely uncomfortable and possibly grumpy.”
     Aria giggled. “You’re welcome! You have my number right? Feel free to call or text me whenever!”
     “I’ll do that then.”
     Oh dear God his smile is too much! It’s like he’s sparkling! I swear I can see roses in the background! Just then, Alissa coughed to get their attention. “Ready to go?”
     Aria got to her feet in a snap. “Yeah!”
     Jason saw them to the door. “Thanks again for looking after Marcus today.”
     “No problem,” Alissa said. “Anytime. Bye!”
     “Bye.” Alissa started to walk away.
     “Hey! Wai- ugh! Goodnight Jason,” Aria said quickly as she turned to follow Alissa.
     “Goodnight Aria.” Aria’s heart crashed against her chest in a desperate attempt at escape. I love it when he says my name!
     Aria jogged to catch up to Alissa. “What’s with leaving me behind like that?” she asked, a tad upset.
     Alissa grinned. “If I hadn’t, you wouldn’t have had your little moment. You owe me, you know. For that and for waiting patiently while you were flirting with him.”
     Aria’s face flushed. “I-I was NOT flirting!”
     “Whatever~. Deny it if you want, but you still owe me and you know it!”
     Aria hugged her. “I love you, Alissa!”
     “Yeah, yeah~. You’re gonna love me even more in a few weeks.”
     “What happens in a few weeks?”
     “And you say I’M slow! It’s your birthday!”
     “Oh yeah! Why will I love you more?”
     “You’ll see~,” Alissa responded cagily.

     A week later Marcus sent Alissa a text. “He says he wants to go to the set of Jason’s show, but Jason said he could only go if someone was there to watch him when he was working. Wanna go?”
     Aria gave her a what-are-you-stupid look. “Are you being serious right now? Don’t make me beat you.”
     Alissa laughed. “I already told him we’d be there. He’s sending me the directions now.”
     As she said this, Aria received a text. It read:
               Marcus said you’re coming to the set. I’m feeling really tense today. Hoping to get another kick-ass massage. See you soon.
     “Kyaaa!!” Aria leaped into the air, hugging her phone tightly to her chest. She quickly replied:
               I’m on my way. That’s not how you ask someone for a favor, is it?
     He sent:
               Hahaha. You’re right. Will you please give me another kick-ass massage?
     She replied:
               Of course I am. lol I’m too offended. You’ll need to flatter me.
     He sent:
               Dear wonderful Aria, giver of the most kick-ass massages, with your gorgeous, long, flowing dark brown hair; your hazel eyes shimmering with beauty; and your voice so enchanting it could charm the most ferocious of beasts; would you be so kind as to take pity upon this poor, wretched soul and bestow upon me the honor of one of Your Grace’s most ass kicking karate-chop style massages?
     She giggled happily as she replied:
               Why, pitiable Sir, I shall be more than willing to grant your wish post-haste!
     He sent:
               Awesome! Can’t wait! See you soon!
     She replied:
               See you soon!
     “Wow! I wonder what they’re going to film here,” Aria said in awe as she took in the beauty of the large open field they were in.
     “A showdown scene.” Aria spun around and saw Jason. “Took you two long enough.”
     “Blame traffic,” Aria said. “Also Alissa’s not that great a driver.”
     “Hey!” Alissa looked insulted. “Marcus and I are gonna go get some stuff from the snack table, you guys want any?”
     “Nah, I’m good,” Aria and Jason said at the same time. After Alissa and Marcus walked away, Jason turned to Aria, “May I have that massage now, my Queen?”
     Aria blushed and laughed a little. “Yes!”

     After a couple of hours of filming, everyone took a break. Aria handed Jason a water bottle. “Thanks. Sorry. Just sitting here must be boring.”
     “Not even a little! You look so cool when you’re acting!”
     “When I’m acting? Do I normally not look cool?”
     “You always look cool!” Wow. Could I have sounded anymore like a fangirl just now?
     “Thanks!” He ruffled her hair a little, then he noticed how embarrassed she looked. “Sorry, I tease you a lot huh?”
     “Yeah, but it’s ok! I don’t mind,” she said with a glittering smile.
     How cute. “I like your honesty, Aria.”
     I like YOU. “Really?” she blushed a little.
     “Okay, everybody! Let’s move on to the next location!” the director shouted.

     The next place was an apartment building that hadn’t been finished yet. While the crew got everything ready and Alissa and Marcus were playing a game on Alissa’s phone, Aria and Jason went out in front of the building to chat. While they were talking, a woman came and told Jason the director wanted to go over some changes in the script with him. Aria said to go ahead, that she wanted to stay in the fresh air a little longer. As she stood alone she heard hurried footsteps approach. She went to look around the corner they were coming from when a girl collided with her. The girl looked frantic and sputtered, “H-help me! P-please!” through gasps of breath. Aria saw an enormous man chasing her, grabbed the girl’s hand tightly and began running. They ran a number of blocks away before ducking into an alley. They were both breathing heavily, but trying to be as quiet as possible. Aria peered around the corner, but saw no sign of their pursuer. She sank into a sitting position, as did her companion. “What happened?” she asked.
     “I was out shopping when the guy came up to me. He asked me to go out with him, but I said no. Then he kept following me so I told him to get lost. He grabbed my arm so I hit him with my purse. Then he said he’d kill me and he looked like he meant it so I ran.”
     “Damn! You’re lucky. He definitely did NOT look like the athletic ty-” before Aria could finish her sentence she heard the sound of a hefty man breathing heavily. She got up quickly just as the man turned into the alley.
     The girl jumped to her feet as well. “Oh my God!”
     “Found you,” the man managed to say.
     Aria looked at his balding head; his flushed, pudgy, round face; and his bulging stomach. He was drenched in sweat. How did he catch up so fast?!
     “Get over here!” he shouted to the girl behind Aria. Evidently, he had not even noticed Aria until she spoke.
     “What’s wrong with you? Don’t understand what ‘no’ means?”
     “Who the fuck are you? Get out of the way!”
     “I won’t.”
     He stared at her. She glared at him. After a minute he said, “You’re pretty. Why don’t you go on a date with me instead?”
     “Never. I absolutely despise men like you.”
     This pissed the man off so much, had his face not already been red, it would have turned that way. “Shut up, you bitch!”
     “Is that all you can do? Cuss?” The girl grabbed Aria’s shirt. Aria could feel her trembling with fear. “You’re not a man at all, are you?”
     “Oh? So now you’re deaf too? Don’t worry, I don’t mind repeating myself. I said that you’re not a man.”
     “I’ll kill you!” he lunged forward.
     Aria dodged him quickly, pulling the girl along with her. She swung the girl around him and shouted, “RUN!” The girl nodded, utterly frightened, and dashed away. The man took hold of Aria’s arm and threw her into the wall. She slammed so hard against it it took her a minute to regain her senses. He dove for her, but she slipped away just it time. She tried to run, but as soon as she got out of the alley, he tackled her. Her shoulder crashed against the pavement. A surge of pain flowed through her entire body. Fuck! She struggled underneath the great weight of her attacker. He turned to punch her, but she had maneuvered enough to kick him in the crotch. He keeled over in pain and she got to her feet once more. However, she had hardly taken a step when he clutched her ankle and she fell forward. She placed her hands out in front of her, only to send another wave of pain through herself. Not wanting to lose a moment, she turned onto her back to face the man who was still gripping her ankle with his fat, sweaty hand. Aria brought her free leg up to her chest, then drove it forward into the man’s face. He let go immediately, bringing his hands up to his face in agony.
     “YOU BITCH!” he roared. “You broke my nose!”
     Aria’s heart was racing faster than it ever had as she scrambled to her feet. She’d gotten half of a block away when he caught up with her. He flew at her. He seized her by her hair and yanked it so hard she flew onto her back. “Shit!” she shouted as she felt yet another surge of pain. The man stood over her and spattered blood onto her as he kicked her with all his might. “You think you’re tough because you can kick a GIRL while she’s DOWN?” she screamed. Now, extenuatingly more furious than he had been, he again gripped her hair and pulled her up so quickly she felt a lot of it pulled out. Despite her suffering, she took her chance to wind up her fist and send it flying into his chin. The shock of the blow caused him to release her and fall back. The back of his head rammed into the cement wall behind him. Aria ran. Her lungs burned. Every part of her body ached. She managed another block before he reached her again. She gasped in excruciating pain as the small blade he’d had in his pocket slashed across her back. She collapsed and slid forward because of her momentum. The sidewalk scraped and left little cuts on her face, hands and arms. The man flipped her over and stamped his foot down onto her stomach with all the strength in his massive body. Aria cried out, unable to stand the pain coursing through her.
     The man bent closer to her. “I told you I’d kill you.” He raised his blade and was about to bring it down into Aria’s chest when Jason tackled him to the ground. They wrestled for a while and Jason managed to rid the man of his knife. As he did so, the man got to his feet and attempted to slug him, but Jason was much too quick. He dodged every assault and took the man down after only a few strikes. The moment the man fell unconscious, Alissa reached Aria.
     “ARIA! Oh my God! Are you okay?”
     Jason rushed over to them. “Did you call an ambulance?” He knelt down beside Aria and gingerly placed his hand under her head to help support it.
     “I did. They’re on their way,” Alissa said, distraught.
     “Good.” He turned his attention to Aria. “Aria? Can you hear me? Are you alright?”
     Through her painful gasps she said, “I-I-I’m okay.”
     “Is it hard to breathe? That’s okay, don’t worry about talking then. Can you squeeze my hand?” She did so, very weakly, but she did so. “That’s good. Keep doing that okay? I need you to stay with me until the ambulance comes.” He felt something wet on his knee. He looked down and saw a pool of blood forming under her. Fuck! Why didn’t I get here sooner?! “Aria, keep squeezing my hand.” Shit, she’s in so much pain. I should have stayed with her! “Aria, try to keep your eyes open, okay? Look at me, Aria.”

     Aria’s body ached all over. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. Hospital? It took her a little while to fully grasp the situation. Right. I was fighting that huge guy. She tried to shift a little, but immediately stopped. OW! Oh. That’s right. Damn bastard knifed me. She lay still and closed her eyes. How did I get here? She tried desperately to remember, but she could only do so up until when the knife slashed across her back. As she was lost in her memory, Jason came into her room with a bouquet of flowers. Aria was so focused on figuring out how she came to be at the hospital that she failed to notice his presence. He placed the flowers on the table by her bed beside two other arrangements. He looked at her with a sad expression, then sat down next to her. With a small sigh, he reached out and took her hand in his. Aria’s eyes shot open, Jason was looking down at her hand so he didn’t notice. “Still asleep, huh?” He thinks I’m sleeping? What should I- Jason looked up, but Aria closed her eyes in time. Why did I do that? “I’m so sorry, I didn’t get to you sooner.” Another sigh. “At least in your sleep you can’t feel any pain.” He squeezed her hand gently. “I think I know what I’m supposed to understand with what happened to you, but did it have to be like this? You didn’t have to get hurt.” He kissed her hand softly. “Forgive me.”
     Alissa and Marcus walked in, each holding some snacks. “We’re back. Still not awake?” Alissa asked in a quiet voice.
     “No. She’s sound asleep,” Jason said, not taking his eyes off her nor releasing her hand.
     Marcus yawned. “Dad, can I borrow your jacket?”
     “Sure.” He got up to take it off and handed it to his son. “Tired?”
     “A little. But I don’t want to go home yet.”
     “Ok.” Jason ruffled his son’s hair.
     Alissa sat on the other side of Aria on the little couch. Marcus sat beside her. “Is it ok if I use your lap as a pillow?” he asked nervously.
     “It’s ok.”
     Marcus is tired? What time is it? How long have I been asleep? She felt the bed sink a little where Jason placed his folded arms and rested his head. She kept her eyes closed until about half an hour went by and she heard Jason’s soft, deep breaths of sleep. She looked at Alissa and whispered to her until she woke up. Aria quickly pressed her finger to her lips and motioned for Alissa to come closer.
     “What’s up?” Alissa whispered as quietly as possible.
     “How long have I been out?”
     Alissa took a deep breath. “Three days.”
     Aria fought back the urge to shout and managed to whisper, “No way!”
     Alissa nodded. “It took a little while for the ambulance to come and you’d lost a lot of blood by the time they did. They had to give you surgery in order to close the wound. You were awake for a little bit right after, but you practically passed out after saying a lot of weird things.”
     “Like what?”
     “You told me to slap Zhi Shu for making Xiang Qin cry. And you told Marcus to learn to play the guitar so he could fight evil.”
     Aria laughed at herself. “Did I say anything to Jason?” A moment passed. “What was that look for?” she whispered worriedly.
     “It’s just . . .” Alissa trailed off.
     “WHAT DID I SAY??” Aria was becoming more and more anxious.
     “You told him he was a beautiful and amazing man. You said he meant a lot to you and that you were happy to have met him.”
     Aria sighed. “Oh, well that’s not that bad.” At least I didn’t say I loved him.
     Jason raised his head slowly and rubbed his eyes as he yawned. “Aria?”
     She gazed at his tired face. “Yeah?”
     He looked at her and smiled. “You’re awake.”
     “I am.”
     Jason gulped. So pretty! I’m glad she’s smiling. “How are you feeling?”
     “I’m alright. Having a little trouble moving though.”
     “Do you want to sit up?” She nodded. Jason stood and placed one arm across her stomach and one he slipped across her back as gently as possible. When she winced in pain he stopped and would wait for her to nod as a sign to keep going. “That good?” he asked when she was finally sitting upright.
     Aria nodded again. “Thank you.” Jason fluffed her pillow a bit. “Jason?”
     “Yes?” He sat back down.
     “Have you been here the whole time?”
     He blushed a little. “No. I went to work, but I would come right back after.”
     “You haven’t been home?”
     “To change.”
     Aria looked guilty. “You didn’t have to stay by me. You should have at least slept in your own bed.”
     “It’s my fault you ended up like this.” He avoided eye contact.
     “In what way?” she asked incredulously. “Did you try to kill me?”
     “Well, no, but-”
     “But what? You saved me didn’t you?” Even though I don’t remember it, that’s what it sounds like. Jason nodded, but tried to protest again. “Jason, if it weren’t for you I might not even be here right now. I owe you.”
     Jason looked at her, unmistakable sadness in his eyes. “Aria, I-”
     “Would you feel better if I punched you in the face?”
     Jason laughed. “What?”
     “There you go!” Aria patted his shoulder. “Smile, Jason, smile! I think you look the best when you’re smiling. Which is part of why it bugs me so much that you do so many dark movies. So scary! Do some happier things, please. I want to see you smile more!”
     He smiled brightly. “Ok. I’ll do more happier things, I promise.”

     A few days later, Aria was allowed to leave the hospital. After signing her out, Alissa and Marcus helped her walk out. “I can walk on my own, thank you very much,” she said sarcastically.
     “Oh, fine,” Alissa said and she and Marcus let her go.
     “It’s weird,” he said.
     “What is?” Aria asked. “My walking?”
     “No. I thought Dad was gonna be here.”
     “Oh. Well it’s ok that he’s not. You know that he’s busy with work since they’re wrapping up the season,” Aria said.
     “Still! I think this is much more important. I thought he did too. I mean he did buy you flowers everyday. I was sure it was because he likes you”
     Aria blushed. “Yes, well the flowers were out of kindness, plus he blames himself for not getting to me faster.”
     Marcus thought it over. “I guess you could be right.”
     They got out of the hospital and were getting into a taxi when they heard Jason shouting. “Wait!” He was about half a block away, running towards them.
     Marcus grinned from ear to ear. “I knew it!” He pushed Alissa into the taxi and got in after her. “We’re going to make you a special dinner so make sure you guys get back by then!”
     Aria was shocked. “Wait, what?” Marcus waved and the taxi sped off.
     “What happened?” Jason asked breathlessly.
     “Why are you late?”
     “Huh? Marcus said you weren’t leaving until noon. But looks like he was wrong. I ran over as soon as he texted me.”
     Aria laughed. We were played. This boy is a genius. “What’s that?” she asked nodding her head towards the bag in his hand.
     “Oh! It’s a present for you,” he said proudly as he held it out to her.
     Her heart began to race. “For me? Jason you didn’t have to! You bought all those flowers and even paid for my hospital fees. You’ve done more than enough.”
    “The hospitals fees were because I felt guilty. The flowers were because you’re my friend. And this is also because you are my friend. If you don’t accept it, I’ll be sad.” He made a pouty face.
    Aria grabbed the bag. “That’s a nice guilt trip.” He smiled. She reached into the bag and pulled out a stuffed bear about fifteen inches tall. It was pink with a red bow around its neck. Aria’s heart swelled with happiness. Her eyes welled up with tears and she flung her arms around Jason’s neck. “Thank you so much! It’s so cute! Thank you!”
     Jason wrapped his arms around her. “You’re welcome. I hoped you’d like it.”
     Aria pulled back enough to look into his eyes. “I love it.”
     Jason was shocked at himself. Why did I just think: “I wish that last word was different”? He laughed nervously. “I’m glad.”

     They spent hours wandering around the city. They were walking back to Aria and Alissa’s apartment when a big black SUV came and parked beside them. Aria noticed Jason tense up. He grabbed her hand and began to walk faster. “Don’t walk away from me Jason.” Jason kept walking, but Aria turned around and saw a man about Jason’s age with two bodyguards.
     “Jason, who-”
     “Jason, it’s pointless. If you keep walking, I’ll just get in the car and follow you.”
     Jason stopped. “What the fuck do you want Michael?”
     Michael clicked his teeth in disapproval. “Now, now, that is no way to talk in front of a lady.” He and his bodyguards walked up to Aria and Jason.
     Jason grit his teeth. “Shut up. Just answer the question.”
     Michael grinned. “I only wanted to meet the girl you’ve been spending so much time with recently.” He got very close to Aria.
     Jason tightened his grip on her hand and pulled her closer to himself. “Get the fuck away from her.”
     “Again, such bad language. I know you’ve been raised better than that. Think how you’re disgracing your poor old father. What kind of a successor will you be if that’s how you treat your ‘colleagues’ so to speak,” Michael said with a hollow laugh.
     Aria shrunk away from him slightly. I don’t like this guy. She used her other hand to hold onto Jason’s sleeve.
     Jason noticed, but didn’t look in order to keep Michael from noticing how he affected her. “I have absolutely no reason to treat you any better than I have been. Now get the fuck out of here before I make you regret it.”
    Michael’s bodyguards took a step forward, but he put his arms out to stop them. “I was just about to leave anyway.” He looked at Aria and grinned. “I’ll see you later.”
    “Like hell you will,” Jason snarled.
     Michael’s grin faded instantly. “Let’s go!” he shouted to his bodyguards.
     Once the car had sped away, Aria looked up at Jason. “Who was that?”
     Jason smiled tenderly at her and gave her hand a quick squeeze. “Don’t worry about it. We’d better hurry back now.”

     Some days later, Jason came by to drop off the kitten. Aria hugged it tightly. “So cute! I have a black cat back home and he looked just like this when he was a baby!”
     Jason smiled. “In a few days I’ll bring Marcus. Is that ok?”
     “It’s just fine!” Aria said as she gave the kitten lots of kisses. “Jason, what’s her name?”
     “I don’t know. I was going to let Marcus decide.”
     “That’s a good idea. It’s a great feeling to have a pet you named yourself.”
     Jason pet the kitten. “She seems to really like you.”
     “I’m glad! She’s adorable!”
     “More adorable than me when I smile?”
     “Nope! Ah! I mean- oh,” Aria blushed bright red. “You’re teasing me again!”
     Jason laughed. “I’m sorry. You’re just too cute sometimes.” Aria blushed even more and stared at him. He realized what he’d just said and blushed himself. “W-well, I’ll come back in a few days then?”
     “Yeah.” Aria saw him to the door. Jason smiled awkwardly and said goodbye to Aria and the kitten. Aria laughed. “You know, you really are the absolute most adorable when you smile!” she shouted after him, causing Jason to stumble a little as he walked away.

     Aria sat on her bed, staring at the sleeping kitten. “Are you ok?” Alissa asked from the doorway.
     Aria sighed. “It’s been a month already. I haven’t gotten any messages from him or Marcus. No matter how many times I call or text, they don’t respond.” She forced back tears. “Alissa, did I do something wrong?”
     Alissa walked over and sat beside her. “I don’t think so.”
     “Then why am I being ignored?” she asked, her voice cracking a little.
     Alissa patted her back. “I don’t know. I’m sorry.” She rubbed her back kindly. “Wanna go watch some mindless T.V.?” Aria nodded and they left to the living room.
     When Alissa turned it on Aria laughed at her. “You were watching the news last?” Alissa was about to change it, but Aria grabbed her arm. “Don’t!” Alissa looked at her and saw her eyes fixed on the screen. Alissa looked at what was on and gasped. They were reporting on Jason ______’s big announcement that had just taken place. He had just had a press conference to declare that he was getting married. Aria tried to stand, but just crumbled. Her entire body was shaking.
     Alissa knelt beside her. “Aria? Aria!” Aria just stared straight ahead, not really looking at anything. She didn’t move, even when Alissa shook her. However, her mind was running wild.
     What the fuck? When did he start dating someone that seriously? Marcus never said anything about it. Why didn’t he tell me? I thought we were close. When did he decide to get married? Does this have to do with why he’s been ignoring me? Why am I being ignored anyway? Marcus isn’t even talking to me anymore! What’s going on? Why is this happening? WHAT THE FUCK?! Tears streamed down her cheeks in torrents. Then she doubled over in pain. “AAAAHHH!” she screamed.
     “ARIA!” Alissa began to cry too. “Aria, did you take your medicine today?”

     Days later: Jason kicked off his shoes and slammed the door to the apartment closed. He sighed and went to Marcus’s room. He knocked. “Marcus?”
     “Go away!” Marcus hollered angrily. “I never want to see you again!”
     Jason felt a pain in his heart. “Marcus, listen-”
     “I don’t want to! I hate you!”
     “Marcus, please-”
     “No! You won’t even tell me why I can’t see or talk to Mama Aria or Alissa again!”
     Mama Aria. He really loves her. Some minutes passed while Jason thought. “Alright. I’ll tell you why we can’t see Aria again.”
     Marcus opened the door slowly, looking at his father suspiciously. “Really?” Jason nodded. “Okay. Come in and tell me.” Marcus went back to sit on his bed, but left the door open. Jason sat beside him.
     “I didn’t want to tell you this until I felt you were ready, but it looks like I can’t hide it anymore. Marcus, our family is a mafia gang.” Marcus gasped in disbelief. “When you were born, my father agreed to keep the family ‘business’ away from you until I thought you were ready to know. That’s why you only get presents and things in the mail. Since I am an only child, I will succeed my father as the leader. Recently, my dad has been very sick so it’s about time I took over. That’s also why I’ve had to go on all those dates. Other gangs have been trying to get me to choose their daughters as my bride since I can’t officially be recognized as the leader until I’m married.”
     “Why do you have to marry one of them? Why can’t you marry who you love?”
     Jason sighed sadly. “Because every woman has run away. I don’t blame them either, it’s a scary world they’d have to enter. Your mother was the strongest, but in the end, the brother of the woman I’m marrying threatened her and she couldn’t stand by me anymore.”
     “So you told all the women that you felt you were in love with that you were going to become the leader of a gang?”
     “You’re a liar. And you’re wrong about Mom.”
     Jason almost couldn’t believe his own ears. “What?”
     “You haven’t told Aria.”
     Jason was taken aback. “Why would I tell Aria?”
     “Because you love her.”
     “I don’t love Aria.”
     “Dad, don’t lie! I know you love her.”
     “I don’t love Aria.”
     “Then why can’t we see her anymore.”
     Jason had to think for a second. “Because, like you, that guy who threatened your mom thinks that I love Aria and would have gone after Aria too.”
     “That doesn’t make any sense. If you marry that guy’s sister then Aria won’t be in danger anymore but you said we can’t see her ever again!”
     “That’s because I don’t know if that guy thinks the same way.”
     “You’re lying! Dad, tell me the truth!”
     “That is the truth.”
     “Dad, you’re not being fair! You won’t even give Aria a chance! I’m sure she could do it!”
     “What are you talking about?”
     “That’s why I said you were wrong about Mom. Mom may have been strong, but she left in the end. Aria won’t do that! I just know it! Aria wouldn’t leave you! Remember how she risked her life to save that random girl! If it was for you, I’m sure she’d do anything!”
     “That’s exactly why I can’t tell Aria!” he shouted. Marcus just stared at him. “I’m sorry for yelling.”
     Marcus’s voice shook with anger. “I can’t stand you. You’re being mean to Aria. It’s obvious that you love her.”
     “In what way is it obvious that I love Aria?”
     “For one, just now while we were talking you took every chance you got to say her name. You didn’t say ‘she’ or ‘her’ even once. And you want to get as far away from her as you can because you don’t want to see her hurt. I saw how you were when she was in the hospital! Dad, just admit it! You love her! And you know she loves you too! By acting like this, you’re only putting her through unnecessary pain! Dad, the one who can hurt her most is YOU! Stop hurting her and just tell her you LOVE her! Marry HER, Dad!”
     Jason stood up quickly. “That’s enough Marcus!” He took a deep breath before saying calmly, “It’s time for bed.”

     Next morning, Jason rapped lightly on Marcus’s door. “Marcus? Are you still asleep?” He opened the door. “What the hell?!” He ran over to Marcus’s empty bed and grabbed the note. It read:
               Dad, I can’t stand being around you. You’re not the Dad I know. I went to be with Aria and Alissa. Have a nice life.
     “Damn it!” Jason crushed the paper in his hand. He went and got dressed before rushing out to get Marcus.

     Once in front of Aria and Alissa’s apartment, Jason rammed his fist against the door. “Marcus! Are you in there?”
     “Yes,” Marcus said calmly.
     “Open this door immediately!”
     Marcus opened it. “I guess it’s okay if you come in, even though Alissa said not to let anyone in. I’m sure she just meant strangers.”
     Jason looked around while Marcus went back to playing with the kitten. “Marcus, where are they?”
     “Alissa told me you got this kitten for me. I named her Arissa as a mix of Aria and Alissa.”
     Louder this time, Jason asked, “Marcus, where are they?!”
     “At the hospital.”
     Jason’s stomach hit the floor. “What?”
     “Aria was in intense pain after she saw you’re marriage confirmation. She also cried a lot. Apparently she needs surgery. Alissa said Aria can manage the pain pretty well normally, but when she’s stressed out or upset, then she’s unable to stand it. She’s been pretty sad recently too. Alissa said she hadn’t been eating or sleeping properly.” Jason dropped to his knees. Marcus was right. I have caused Aria the most pain. “Alissa also said Aria’s really scared about having surgery, so I made her a card and Alissa left a few minutes ago to give it to her before her surgery.”
     Jason got to his feet with lightning speed. “Marcus, you’re okay being alone here?”
     Marcus smiled brightly. “Yes, Dad. Hurry. Oh and by the way, today is Aria’s birthday.”

     Jason’s lungs were burning as he raced into the hospital. His momentum caused him to crash into the front desk. Gasping desperately for breath he asked, “Has Aria Santos gone into surgery yet?”
     “Sir, are you alright?” The woman behind the desk looked at his flushed face with concern.
     “I’m fine! Has-”
     “Are you sure? Because you-”
     “HAS ARIA SANTOS GONE INTO SURGERY YET?” he shouted impatiently, slamming his hands on the counter.
     The woman jumped, then checked the computer and asked a nurse. She told Jason Aria wasn’t in surgery yet and where her room was. Not wanting to wait for an elevator, he flew up flights of stairs to reach her. He was running so fast, he almost missed her room and nearly crashed into a cart for soiled linens. His heart pounding painfully in his chest, his lungs struggling for air, and his muscles throbbing, Jason entered Aria’s room. Alissa was sitting beside her, facing the door. They were laughing about something, but it was obvious that although Aria laughed, her heart was not in it. Her mind was elsewhere too. Alissa almost couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw Jason. His hair was plastered to his head with sweat. His face was flushed with red blotches as he regained oxygen. Aria saw Alissa’s shocked expression, so looked at the doorway. Jason slowly walked toward her. “Alissa, would you-”
     She got up immediately. “No problem.”
     “Why do you look like that? What happened?” Aria reached her hand out to him, but remembering that he’d been ignoring her for so long, tried to draw it back quickly.
     Jason grabbed her hand and held it against his cheek. He closed his eyes and said softly, “I’ve missed you.”
     Aria felt tears stream down her cheeks. Her heart clenched painfully. She cupped the hand on his cheek and stoked it gently with her thumb. “If you missed me, why didn’t you text me, call me, come to see me?”
     “I’m sorry.”
     “Do you have any idea how lonely it made me? To be suddenly shoved away without even a hint of an explanation.”
     Jason pressed her hand closer. “I’m so sorry.”
     “If you’re sorry, then tell me why. I don’t understand. Did I do something to make you upset with me?”
     “No. Aria, I can’t explain right now because I don’t know how much time there is before your surgery.” He sat down on her bed.
     “Oh, don’t remind me! I don’t wanna think about it.” She shook her head adamantly. “Jason, why do you look like that?” He smiled grandly at her. Oh God, how I’ve missed his smile! “What?”
     “I feel like I’m floating on a cloud to hear you say my name again.” Aria blushed and looked away. “I’d like to say that I look like this because I really needed to see you as soon as possible, but I wasn’t sure if I’d get here in time if I took a taxi since the traffic is so bad today and so I ran here as fast as I could, but the truth is as soon as I heard you were in the hospital I stopped being able to think clearly and so just ran.”
     “From where? How did you know I was here?”
     “Marcus got mad at me last night and sometime before I woke up he snuck out to your apartment. When I found his note saying where he’d gone, I went there on foot. He told me that you were having surgery today and that . . .”
     Aria was a little anxious. “And that what?”
     Jason leaned forward and kissed her forehead tenderly. “Happy Birthday,” he whispered.
     Aria wrapped her arms around his neck quickly and hugged him tightly. “I hate you!” Jason’s eyes opened wide in alarm. “This has got to be the best birthday present I’ve ever had!”
     Jason hugged her back and sighed with relief. “Then you don’t hate me?”
     “No, I do. I hate you so much. I hate you because you have so much influence over me. I hate you because the littlest things you do mean the world to me. I hate you because you’re amazing and beyond compare. I hate you because your eyes are gorgeous. I hate you because your hair is so wonderfully messy. I hate you because your voice is so pleasant to the ear. I hate you because when I’m in your arms like this I feel safe. I hate you because I think about you all the time. I hate you because you’re kind. I hate you because you’re gentle. I hate you because you make me laugh. I hate you because I need you. I hate you . . . because I love you.” She hugged him even tighter and began to cry again.
     Jason gave a short chuckle, feeling extremely relieved. “Do you know? I love it when you say my name. I love it when you blush after you’ve complimented me. I love it when you forget what you’re doing and get lost in thought. I love it when you look at me when you think I’m not paying attention. I love it when you laugh. I love it when you smile. I love it when Marcus calls you ‘Mama Aria.’ I love it when you cook for me. I love it when you text me. I love it when you call me. I love how you’re willing to risk your own life for someone you’ve never met before. I love how sweet you are. I love how impulsive you are. I love you, Aria.”
     She pushed him away a bit. “You’re lying.”
     “I’m not. I love you.”
     “But you’re going to get married.”
     Jason slammed his palm onto his forehead. “I can’t believe I forgot about that!” He looked at her sweetly. “Don’t worry about that. I’m not getting married.”
     “Then why-”
     A nurse entered the room. “It’s time for your surgery, Miss.”

     After Aria woke up from her out-patient surgery and was released, she and Jason went back to the apartment to celebrate the success of her surgery with Alissa and Marcus.
     That evening, Jason told Aria everything. They went to Aria’s room to talk in private. “Tomorrow, I’ll go to tell them I’m breaking off the engagement.”
     “I’ll go with you,” Aria said as she sat down on her bed beside him.
     “I can’t let you do that, it’s too dangerous.”
     “Excuse me, but there’s no way I’d be accepted as your girlfriend if I’m hiding away like a child. Plus it would be rude. I will face them with you. I’m not a baby, I can hold my own. Since I like you and get along with you you’ve never seen it, but I can be a pretty nasty person when I’m pushed to it so don’t you worry about me!”
     Jason laughed and patted her head. “Alright, but don’t go starting any fights. The guys there are much better fighters than that huge guy.”
     Aria scooted closer to him so that she could lean against him. “I won’t,” she reassured him as she rested her head on his shoulder. Jason wrapped his arms around her. “Jason?”
     “Could we have a sleepover?”
     Jason pulled away quickly. “What?”
     Aria blushed wildly when she saw that he was blushing. “I-I don’t mean anything bad!” she said as she waved her hands. “I meant, like, I just want to be near you tonight. I’m afraid that if you leave, you won’t ever come back.”
     Jason stroked her hair. “I understand. I’ll stay.”
     They rolled out sleeping bags and blankets. Marcus was on one end, then his father, then Aria, then Alissa. After Aria was sure Marcus and Alissa were asleep, she whispered, “Jason, are you awake?”
     “I am,” he answered sleepily.
     Aria thought it over, then took a deep breath before scooting close enough to him that she could rest her head on his chest. Jason smiled and wrapped his arms around her again as he turned to face her. She snuggled up close to him. Ah~ I haven’t smelled his cologne in a while. She nuzzled her head just under his happily. She was warmed by the heat from his body, and a shiver went down her spine when she felt his breath on her ear. She could feel his strong muscles as he moved to hold her even closer.
     “Aria?” he whispered.
     “Are you really in love with an old man like me?”
     “Bad mouth the love of my life like that again and I won’t hesitate to kick you where it hurts,” she said seriously. “You’re not an old man. And I am deeply in love with you.”
     He smiled. “We haven’t been together very long, but we’re in love. Many wouldn’t believe that.”
     “Since when does love have to follow rules? I don’t care what other people think, so long as I’ve got you.”
     “I think the same way.”
     Aria looked at him for a minute before giving him a quick peck on the lips. “Goodnight, Jason,” she mumbled as she nestled herself back in place.
     “Goodnight, Aria,” he said, before kissing her head. Tomorrow will undoubtedly bring some problems, but I’m confident in victory if we face them together.

     Next morning, Aria and Jason woke up early and asked Alissa to look after Marcus while they were out. They had to be up early because where they were going was a long drive away and Jason was eager to clear things up as quickly as possible. On their way, Jason said, “You know, Aria, I’m still not too sure about letting you come along. If at any point, you change your mind about it, tell me right away and I’ll take you somewhere else.”
     Aria sighed. “That hurts my feelings. One of my all time favorite movies is Desperado. Have you seen it?”
     Jason wasn’t sure what this had to do anything, but he thought he’d better just play along. “I haven’t. Why?”
     “At the end, El Mariachi has to face his most fearsome enemy, Bucho. The foe that is responsible for the murder of El Mariachi’s first true love. He goes to  Bucho’s headquarters, accompanied by his new love, Carolina. Carolina has also lost everything because of Bucho. So, because she loves El Mariachi and hates Bucho, she goes with him even though she knows she is putting herself in grave danger. Even though I haven’t lost everything, I still don’t like this guy who’s tried to control you and I love you, so, mi Mariachi, I will go with you to see Bucho.”
     “Does he win?”
     “Does El Mariachi win?”
     Aria grinned. “Yes. Even though he is faced with what looks like certain defeat, he prevails. He and Carolina both live. Of course then they had to go and make Once Upon a Time in Mexico and screw everything up, but that’s beside the point. Never watch that if you like Desperado by the way. It would only upset you.”
     Jason chuckled. “I’m glad that despite the fact we’re on our way to a very dangerous situation, we can still chat like this.”
     Aria smiled even brighter to see him happy. “Of course! I’m the kind of person who loves being happy and smiling and laughing so I will always do my best to make those around me happy. Let’s listen to some music! I’ll entertain you with my over-zealous singing.”

     At the mansion where Michael resided, Aria and Jason were told to wait in the grandiose living room while the butler notified Michael of their visit. Whilst they waited, they heard a great booming laugh, so went out to the foyer and saw Michael at the top of the large staircase. He stood between the butler and a man of about twenty-five. He waved the butler away before addressing Jason. “What is this, hm? What are you hoping to do? Beg me to let you marry this little girl?” He laughed again. Then his eyes turned cold and his tone dropped to a low growl. “As if. Now get out of here before you regret it.”
     Jason was about to respond when Aria stepped in front of him and shouted, “It’s easy to feel like a big man when you’re standing so far away, isn’t it?”
     Jason clapped his palm to his forehead. “I thought I said not to pick a fight,” he whispered.
     “Forget that! I’m not about to let him look down on me OR you!” she said, not breaking the stare-down contest she was having with Michael.
     “You sure do talk big for a little girl who just got out of the hospital. Again,” he added with a smirk.
     “You keep calling me that, but why don’t you come down here and see how much of a ‘little girl’ I really am, huh?”
     “It wouldn’t be a fair fight,” he said arrogantly.
     Aria laughed scornfully. “You’re right. With as old as you look, I’d beat your ass in a matter of seconds.”
     Michael’s face contorted with anger for a moment before returning to its usual smug expression. “I’m only a few years older than your Jason.”
     “That may be the case, but Jason’s not the one who looks like he’s been beaten with the ugly stick every damn day.”
     Michael lunged forward a little, but soon regained his composure. “What a foul mouth you have.”
     Aria laughed again. “That’s your comeback? Really? Well let’s all give a hand to His Genius for having listening skills.” She began to clap, as did Jason, who was thoroughly enjoying the verbal battle.
     “Shut up, you little brat!”
     “And again with the ‘little.’ How small exactly is your vocabulary? I wonder, even though you act like it, are you really well-educated?”
     “I said to shut your trap, you bitch!”
     “O~ Now who’s foul mouthed?”
     Michael flew down the stairs, intending to get right in Aria’s face, but Jason slipped in front of her. “Hey now. I don’t remember saying you could get close to her,” he said grinning from ear to ear. “Why don’t you back up a little, eh?”
     Michael began to shake with rage. “Suddenly you think you’re so tough huh?” He gritted his teeth and shouted, “DAVID! Get that bitch!”
     The younger man who was still at the top of the stairs and had been watching everything with an expressionless face, reached the bottom of the staircase in a matter of moments. Jason was prepared to intercept David, but Michael moved to attack Aria. Jason had no choice but to stop Michael since he was the more imminent threat. It happened so fast, Aria almost couldn’t keep up. The same instant Jason took Michael down and began to fight him, David was right in front of her. In a flash his green eyes were barely inches away from hers. She hardly had time to take a breath before he sent her flying into a small stand with a plant on it. The edge of the stand hit the small of her back, sending a shock of pain through her spine. As she slid to the floor, the plant rocked and would have crashed on her head had she not rolled away in time. Without looking, she knew David must be heading to her so she scrambled up, grabbing a shard of the shattered vase. When she turned around David was right behind her. Gripping the shard so tightly her hand began to bleed, she swung at him with all her might, but to no avail. He dodged the assault easily and sent her crashing into the wall with a swift right hook to the gut. The air all but knocked out of her, Aria struggled to keep her wits about her. As David came after her again, her heart pounding with fear, she waited until he was only a millisecond away from hitting her before sliding out from between his legs. Knowing the shard was useless now, but hoping it would work at some point, Aria jammed it in her pocket as she raced up the stairs. Halfway to the top, David grabbed hold of her pant leg and jerked her back with all his might. Aria expected this, that’s why she stayed as close to the railing as possible and let herself fall into him so that he would land right on top of the broken vase with as much force as possible. He let out a loud roar of pain as she wrestled away from him. She got as far away from him as she could before spinning around. As she expected, he was hot on her heels. She took the shard out from her pocket and slashed at him. This time, because of his injury and blind fury, he wasn’t able to completely avoid her attack and the shard left a gash across his forehead. He fell to his knees from intense pain and clutched at his head. Aria had held the shard so tightly, it dug deep into her hand, causing her so much pain she dropped it instinctively. David got up again quickly, his dirty-blonde hair stuck to his forehead with a mixture of blood and sweat. His eyes burned with fury as he lunged at her.
     Meanwhile, Jason had tackled Michael just in time to keep him from harming Aria. He tried to get to her after David had thrown her at the stand, but Michael took hold of his leg and brought him back to the ground. They both got to their feet again at the same time. Michael tried to slug Jason, but he was too slow. Jason saw his attack and dodged it before sending his left fist into Michael’s chin. Michael flew backwards and slammed against the wall. He staggered forward and managed to get in front of Jason as Jason hastened to Aria who was rushing up the staircase. Michael drove his knee into Jason’s stomach with as much vigor as he could muster. Three times he did it before Jason spun around and knocked his elbow into Michael’s face. Michael’s nose broke. Blood spurted onto Jason as Michael tried to rush him. Jason avoided him, seized the back of his shirt, and yanked hard enough to make Michael’s back hit the ground so hard he wasn’t able to stand back up. All he could do was shout in agony. Again, Jason turned his attention back to Aria and saw her wound David. Just as David was about to attack her again, Jason dove and caught him by the middle, tackling him into the stairs. Where the stairs touched David’s back there were small shards of the vase. The impact sent them deeper into him. His entire body convulsed in distress. Jason was about to punch him to be sure he would stay down when a woman’s voice echoed throughout the room. “Stop it!”
     Aria and Jason looked up. At the top of the stairs was a woman, not too much older than Aria, but not too much younger than Jason. Her short, dark brown hair framed her face nicely. Her lively brown eyes scanned the scene before her with horror. She was a lovely woman whom Aria recognized instantly: she was the woman whom Jason had come to break the engagement with. Completely distraught, she looked to Jason for answers. “What? What has happened here?”
     Aria, ever the lightener of moments, answered, “A can of whupass was unleashed.”
     Jason gave a short laugh and looked at her. “Seriously? At a time like this?”
     “Well, I don’t know. It just felt like the thing to say,” she replied sheepishly.
     He looked down at her bleeding hand and held it gently. “Is it very painful?”
     “Not like anything I’ve ever felt, but I can handle it.” She smiled. “How about you? There’s blood all over your shirt.”
     “It’s his,” Jason said, nodding in Michael’s direction.
     Aria giggled a little. “I see. What was I thinking?”
     “Will someone hurry up and tell me what happened here?” the woman shouted.
     Jason looked up at her. “I’m sorry about all this, Savannah. It’s kind of a long story so why don’t we call your family doctor first?”

     Aria and Jason sat in silence on the couch in the living room of the mansion. Jason was resting his head on Aria’s shoulder while Aria stared blankly at her bandaged hand. Jason looked up at her focused expression for a moment before reaching his hand out and holding hers. “Does it still hurt?”
     The sound of his voice brought her back to reality. “Huh? Uh, yeah. A bit.”
     “What are you thinking about?”
     She shook her head slowly. “Nothing really.”
     “Really.” Jason stared at her thoughtfully. Can he tell that I’m lying? I’ve always thought I was pretty amazing at hiding my feelings and lying, but maybe he can tell. I don’t know if that would be great or terrible. She sighed.
     “I don’t believe you,” he paused, “but if you don’t want to tell me, I won’t bother you.” He sat up straight and folded his arms over his chest as he closed his eyes.
     Aria looked at him, a painful expression on her face. Now I feel bad. But, I don’t know how I’m supposed to tell him what I’m thinking without coming off as way too attached. I like him so much, I don’t want him to think I’m annoying and regret saying he loves me. But, I’m so worried! When I saw Savannah on the news I thought she was pretty, but she’s even more beautiful in person. My looks are tolerable at best in comparison! If all the women gunning for marriage with him look like that I don’t think I stand a chance. I mean, not only am I not gifted with good-looks, I’m so much younger than him! Of course, that doesn’t bother me at all, but what if he realizes that he doesn’t like it? I’m also not the kind of girl to bring to a fancy dinner party. I’d make more of a mess of things than Mia from The Princess Diaries. I mean, look at this place! I don’t belong here. The majority of my wardrobe consists of jeans!
     The doors to the room creaked open and Savannah strolled in. She sat down on the couch across from Aria and Jason. Before she spoke, she cleared her throat lightly to get Jason’s attention. He opened his eyes again and she began. “My brother and David are both fine. The doctor said they should recover quickly.”
     “That’s good,” Jason said.
     Savannah nodded. “Now, please explain to me, sparing no detail, exactly why this happened?” Jason proceeded to tell her everything. He began with the first time Michael had interfered in one of his relationships. When he had finished recounting the tale, Savannah heaved a great sighed. She covered her face with her hands in despair. “I am truly sorry, Jason. I had no idea my brother had been causing you such a great deal of trouble. Had I but known, you would have been spared the indignity of having to announce engagement to me.”
     “What indignity? You’re a wonderful woman.” Aria’s heart seized to hear him say this.
     Savannah smiled. “Thank you. What I mean to say is: I’m sorry you had to conform to my brother’s wishes. Everyone should be free to choose whom they will wed.”
     She’s so kind. Aria’s heart ached even more. She hung her head.
     “I agree.” Jason flashed his grand smile at her. The pain in Aria’s chest increased immensely. But she realized that she felt pain from somewhere else too.
     “When my brother has woken up I will have a good talk with him. You can rest assured he will interfere in your life no longer.”
     “Thank you, Savannah.”
     “It’s the least I could do. I would like to make it up to you and your friend as best I can.” She turned to address Aria. “Oh my!” Savannah leapt to her feet and rushed to Aria’s side. Placing her hand on top of the hand Aria had on her stomach she asked, “Dear, how long has it been like this? Jason, the doctor! Quickly!”
     Jason didn’t know what was happening. He leaned forward to see what Savannah was talking about. There around their hands, was blood. I can’t believe I forgot! She had surgery yesterday! “Jason! The doctor!” Savannah shouted once more before he raced out of the room.

     Savannah and Jason were standing outside of a spare bedroom, pacing anxiously. Finally, the doctor stepped out, closing the door softly. “She’ll be alright. She’s lost a lot of blood and needs to rest.”
     Jason sighed with relief. “Thank God.”
     The doctor glared at him angrily. “What on earth made you think it would be alright to take this girl out right after her surgery? And then to let her get into the situation she did?”
     Jason shook his head. “I know. I know. It was stupid! I wasn’t thinking at all. She insisted on coming here with me and I was just so focused on being with her that I forgot. I -”
     “FORGOT?!” The doctor shook his medical bag at Jason angrily. “The surgery she had always leaves the patient in extreme pain. She must have been in agony just getting up and walking to the car! How could you have not noticed? Who are you to her exactly? Certainly not someone she depends on, I hope, because you have failed her miserably! What a selfish person!” he gave his bag one last vigorous shake before storming away.
     Jason put his back to the wall and slid down. He buried his face in his hands. Savannah crouched beside him. She patted his shoulder gently. “Jason, don’t be too angry with yourself.”
     He raised his head quickly and had to restrain himself from shouting when he replied, “Why?! It’s my fault she’s pain right now. Mine. I’m also the reason she had to have surgery!”
     “That’s not true. Aria needed the surgery because she has a medical condition, right?”
     “Yes, but it got worse for her because of my actions.”
     “Jason, I’m sure that’s not how she sees it.”
     “How? How are you sure?” He shook his head. “She’s going to start hating me. I just can’t do anything right.”
     Savannah reached out and slapped Jason. He looked at her incredulously. She looked him square in the eyes and asked, “Jason, she is the reason you came here today, correct?” He nodded. “And she insisted on accompanying you, correct?” Again, he nodded. “As the doctor explained, she must have been in great pain, correct?” Jason nodded sadly. “And yet she decided she wanted to stand beside you. She wanted to fight by your side. To her, you are far more important than her pain. She placed you higher than her own well-being. Are you saying you would have preferred to deny her wish by leaving her behind? You would rather have let her sit at home, drowned in worry over you? You would have chosen to wound her spirit? Her heart? This physical pain, she will recover from, no doubt. But could she recover from the pain of having you leave her behind? What kind of lover are you Jason? The kind who decides what is best for his partner? Or the kind who will stand by his partner and support his partner’s decisions?”

     Aria could hear muffled voices coming from just outside the bedroom. I hate being alone like this. Suddenly, all the emotions she’d been suppressing became too heavy a burden and tears began to stream down her face. She shook as she wept silently. Her entire body ached, especially her heart. Through her sobs, she took a deep breath and without thinking, cried out, “Jason!” The door burst open and Jason ran to her bedside. He looked her body over frantically.
     “What is it? What’s wrong? Does it hurt? What hurts? Savannah, call the doctor again!”
     Aria shook her head, “No, no,” she sobbed.
     Jason leaned closer to her. “You don’t want the doctor?”
     “No.” She grabbed the hand he had on her bed to help support himself as he leaned close. He pulled the chair that was behind him closer with his other hand and sat down. As he did so, he turned his other hand around so he could hold Aria’s in both of his. He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it. Then he reached up and brushed some hair out of her face before caressing her cheek tenderly. All the while, Aria’s heart calmed and her crying ceased.

     Four days later, Aria gave Savannah a great big hug. “Thanks for letting me stay here with you.”
     “You’re very welcome, Dear. It was lovely having you. Besides, how could I have sent you off after the doctor said you needed plenty of rest in order to recover properly? I’m always here if you need me.”
     Aria grinned. “You really are a very sweet person, Savannah!”
     “As are you, Aria. Now you’d better get going if you want to make it home before sundown!”

     For the longest time, Aria and Jason rode in silence. No matter how you look at it, this is a tense situation. She glanced at Jason. Still has his eyes glued on the road. She sighed. He was so sweet when I cried that first day, but it feels like he’s gotten more distant everyday thereafter. She turned her attention to him again, this time just downright staring. What am I supposed to say? This is so painfully awkward. She sighed again.
     “You’re going to shrink.”
     “What?” Aria was surprised at his sudden, and unusual, conversation starter.
     “If you keep sighing like that, you’re going to shrink.”
     Aria laughed. “I’ve heard that before and I’ve sighed a lot since, but I’m still tall!” Well, he’s still not looking at me, but at least he’s talking. “Do you know what’ll happen if you sigh too much?”
     “I don’t shrink?”
     “Nope!” She giggled. “You go bald!”

     Later that night, after having dinner with Jason and Marcus, Aria confided in Alissa. “Something’s wrong. Jason is treating me differently.”
     “Yeah. I kinda got that feeling. Any idea why?”
     “I could come up with a million, but that doesn’t help me.”
     “Would this make you feel better?” Alissa asked, handing her a big pink bag with red ribbons.
     “What’s this?”
     “Your birthday present. I meant to give it to you right after your surgery, but what with everything that happened . . . Better late than never, right?”
     Aria hugged her. “I wonder what it is~,” she mused as she reached inside and pulled out tissue paper. She gasped with glee when she finally saw the gift. It was the cologne Jason wore that she loved so much. “How did you - ?”
     Alissa’s smile was ear to ear. “Marcus told me what it was called. Now you can spray this on that bear he gave you.”
     “I might just take that bear with me to school in a couple weeks.”
     Alissa groaned. “Don’t remind me. Well, at least we’re taking all the same classes!”
     “I know right! Stupid high school wouldn’t put us in the same classes even though we only had one difference compared to five of the same!” The girls laughed.

     On the second Friday of the school year, Aria trudged into the apartment, tossed her bag aside and flung herself onto the couch. Alissa came in after her and flopped onto the armchair beside her. They both had just closed their eyes when Alissa’s phone went off. “Ugh! Who is it?” Aria asked, her voice muffled because she lay face down.
     “Marcus. He wants to know if we want to go to the zoo with him and Jason tomorrow.”
     Aria sat up quickly. “Tell ‘im yeah! Tell ’im yeah! Tell ‘im yeah!”
     Alissa laughed. “Ok, he says to meet them there at ten.”
     “Yay!” Aria threw her hands in the air.
     “Excited?” Alissa asked sarcastically.
     “Duh! I haven’t seen Jason in a while!”
     Alissa smiled. “I’m glad you’re happy.”
     “Remember, some weeks back, I said Jason was acting differently?”
     “I think I figured it out and I want to clear things up tomorrow so if you could -”
     “You want me and Marcus to give you guys some time alone?”
     “No problem. It’s what we do best, you know?”
     Aria laughed. “Thanks.” Alissa gave her a hug.

     Alissa groaned loudly. “How long are you gonna take?! We’re gonna be late!”
     Aria stumbled out of the bathroom, pulling her boot on. “My hair looked weird though!”
     Alissa rolled her eyes as she left the apartment. “Everything about you is weird. I don’t see why your hair would be such a big deal.”
     Aria hit her arm while locking the door behind them. “You’re not being very helpful.”
     Alissa sighed.  “Calm down. It’s not like this’ll be your first time meeting him or anything. I’m pretty sure he’s aware by now of how strange you can be.”
     This time, Aria rolled her eyes. “Queen of Confidence Building, you are!”

     Marcus watched his father pace. “What’s wrong with you?”
     Jason snapped back to reality. “Nothing. I was just thinking.”
     Marcus looked at him skeptically. “You’re not planning on doing something stupid, are you?”
     He ruffled his son’s hair. “Don’t talk like that to your father.”
     “I’m just sayin’,” he responded, shrugging. “Oh!” he pointed. “They’re here!”
     Jason turned to see the girls approach, still squabbling. His heart began to beat faster at the sight of Aria. He hadn’t seen her in a couple weeks and felt that she had become even prettier.

     “He’s staring,” Aria whispered as they got closer to Marcus and Jason. “Told you my hair looks weird!”
     Alissa rolled her eyes for about the billionth time that hour. “Freakin’ paranoid. Calm yourself already!”  They finally reached their company. “Hi!”
     “Hey,” Marcus responded with a smile.
     “Hi,” Aria said, nervously tucking some hair behind her ear.
     “Hey,” Jason managed through his mini-daze. He couldn’t stop looking at her up and down. What’s wrong with me? he thought. She really looks so nice today. God, I suddenly feel like such an asshole. He ran his fingers through his hair, feeling a little exasperated with himself. “So where do you guys want to go?”
     “Lions!” Aria answered happily.
     “Monkeys!” Alissa said at the same time.
     Marcus laughed and grabbed Alissa’s hand. “We’ll go see the monkeys, you guys can go see the lions.” They were off before either Jason or Aria could object.
     “So,” Jason said awkwardly, “let’s go?”
     “Yeah!” Alia smiled, not realizing how unusual Jason’s behavior was. She had forgotten how anxious she was as soon as she’d heard his voice.

     “Lions are so cool!” Aria said with awe as she gazed at the creatures.  She turned to say something else to Jason and noticed he was sitting on a nearby bench, elbows on his knees, fingers twined together, his chin resting on them as he stared ahead. Curious, Aria went and crouched in front if him, touching his hands with her own to get his attention. Her touch brought him back and he looked into her eyes before leaning back and sighing. Heart racing with anxiety again, she asked, “Everything ok?”
     Jason shook his head. “It’s fine. I just…” he paused, carefully choosing how to phrase the next part. “Aria,” he grabbed her hands and looked at her before looking away.
     Quite confused and agitated by a bad feeling, she squeezed his hands. “What is it?”
     Still not able to look at her, he continued, “You have a really bright future ahead of you, I can tell.”
     I don’t like where this is going. “So?”
     “So…it would be better if we stopped this.”
     She pulled her hands away. I knew it. “Stopped what?”
     “I’m so much older than you. This isn’t right.”
     A flurry of emotions raged within her, but she struggled to stay calm. “What are you saying? It wasn’t even that long ago that you said you didn’t care what other people thought if you had me!”
     He shook his head firmly. “This isn’t about other people. I don’t think we should be together anymore. You’re too young. Even if my family wasn’t the way it is, it isn’t worth it for you to be with me.”
     Aria leapt to her feet angrily. “Not worth it? Who are you to decide that for me?!”
     He finally looked at her. “Don’t shout like that. You’ll draw attention.”
     “So fucking what?! I’ll shout if I goddamn please!”
     “See? You’re still too childish.” He stood up.
     Aria clenched her fists and grit her teeth. “I have always been this way. And I will always be this way! Go ahead and make all the excuses you want. You know this is bullshit.” She began walking away.
     “Where are you going?” he started to follow her.
     “Wherever the fuck I please,” she flipped him off.
     Jason stopped. “Fine!”

     Aria was a few blocks away from the zoo when Alissa caught up to her. Breathing heavily, she asked, “Aria, what happened? Jason looked really pissed off.”
     Aria spun around angrily. “He’s pissed off?! He has no fucking right to be pissed off!” She clenched her fists tightly.
     Alissa was shocked. “What happened?”
     No longer able to hold back, tears fell effortlessly. “That…he…he said ‘it’s not worth it!’ I knew it! I knew he’d change his mind! I knew he’d realize I’m no good!” She began to shake as she fell to her knees and sobbed. “I’m so stupid! A real moron! What was I thinking?”
     Alissa rubbed Aria’s back gently. “I’m so sorry.” She thought for a bit as Aria cried. “How about we go get smoothies or something?” Aria nodded and Alissa helped her up.

     Alissa stared down at the menu. “They all look so good.”
     Aria sniffed and smiled. “Which isn’t good, since I suck at making decisions like this.”
     Just then, a waiter came to ask them for their order. Aria looked up to answer him, squinting because they were sitting at a table outside and he stood right where the sun was. He noticed this and moved to the other side of the table for her. With a bright grin, he asked, “Better?”
     Aria was struck by his good looks and so just nodded. He had gorgeous, wavy, sandy-blonde hair that fell just passed his ears. His complexion was a nice slight tan.  His eyes were an enchanting blue-green that reminded her of the ocean. He had a small hoop earring in his right ear and his body had a thin, yet muscular build. “What brings you to New York?” she asked absentmindedly.
     The guy smiled. “It’s obvious, huh? College. You?”
     She laughed. “No matter how I look at you, you’re obviously a Cali boy! The tan is what mostly gives us away, huh? I’m here for college too.”
     He sat down. “Maybe we go to the same school! Where-” Just then, his boss shouted at him for sitting and he stood up immediately. “So what would you two like?”
    Aria and Alissa laughed before placing their order.

    The girls paid for their smoothies and were leaving when someone called out to them. They turned around and saw the waiter running towards them. He had changed into his regular clothes and looked even more attractive. “Hey, I hope you don’t think I’m a creeper, but I don’t really have any friends here and I was hoping we could hang out and talk about Cali!”
    Alissa laughed. “Well, I actually should be getting back and working on a paper. Sorry.”
    He looked a little let down. “Nah, it’s cool.”
    Aria smiled sweetly at him. “I’m free.”
    His face lit up. “Awesome!”
    “I’m off then,” Alissa said with a smile as she hailed a taxi.
    “Bye!” Aria turned to Jason. “So, where we gonna go? My name’s Aria, by the way.”
    He smiled from ear to ear. “That’s a pretty name! I’m Jake! And,” he laughed a little, “I don’t know this place very well so…let’s just wander?”
    Aria laughed happily. Something about Jake made her forget how sad she was. His personality was just so entertaining. “Cali boys are awesome,” she mused aloud as they walked.
    Jake smiled. “What?”
    Aria blushed a little, and then explained. “It’s like…guys from Cali are normally so cheerful and accepting. Like, you love reaching out to people. Now, I don’t know if that isn’t true of guys from other places and I know it certainly isn’t true of all Cali guys, but for the most part,” she nodded, “Cali guys are awesome.”
     He chuckled. “I miss it. I used to surf just about everyday.” He closed his eyes as he remembered. “The feel of the waves crashing against my body as I swam against them, there’s nothing like it.”
    Aria grinned. “The beach is a great place. Even when the sand is so hot, you do a weird skip-run until you put your towel down!”
    Jake assented excitedly. “And even when the water is so cold, you’re half convinced you’ll get hypothermia!”
    She burst out in laughter. “What? When is it ever that cold?”
    Jake smiled shyly. “Early in the morning during winter.”
    Aria had to hold her sides as she laughed. “What?! Oh my God, what were you thinking? What part of that sounds appealing to you?”
    He shrugged, laughing a little himself. “I just really like surfing!”
    Wiping a tear, she slowly stopped laughing. “Man, I haven’t laughed like that in a long time!”
    “I’m glad I could make you laugh so much.” He ruffled her hair and left his hand to rest on the top of her head. “You looked really down earlier.”
    Aria sighed. “Yeah. Today didn’t start off well at all.”
    Jake moved his hand to her shoulder and pulled her closer to him. “Let’s go see a movie!”
    “Do you even know where to find a movie theater around here?”
    He paused. “No.” Aria laughed again. “But this is a big place, so we should find one quickly, right?”

     Aria stretched as they walked out of the movie theater. “Well that was a huge let down.”
    Jake made a face like he’d smelled something gross. “The trailers I saw were so much cooler.”
    “I hate when that happens.”
    There was a silence until Jake looked down at his watch and asked, “Wanna go get dinner?”
    Aria grabbed his wrist and looked at the watch herself. “Damn! Time flies, huh? I didn’t even have lunch, just that smoothie.”
    “Then let’s get something nice and filling! My treat!” Jake grabbed her hand and led her down the street.
    “Where are we going?”
    Jake stopped and smiled. “I don’t know. I figured we’d walk til we saw a good place.”
   Aria couldn’t help but smile back. “Do you always just go where life happens to take you?”
    He shook his head. “No. Actually, this is the first time I’ve ever been this spontaneous. It’s fun!” He squeezed her hand gently. “Let’s keep going?”
    She nodded happily. “What kind of food did you have in mind, if any?”
    Aria stopped and pointed. “Then let’s go to that pizza place over there.”
    Jake frowned. “I wanted to take you somewhere fancy.”
    She giggled. “I am so not dressed for fancy. C’mon! Pizza’s always good!”
    He grinned at her enthusiasm. “Ok!” They crossed the street quickly and ordered two mediums pizzas. As they waited, Aria sat looking around at the place. She smiled. “What?” he asked.
    She shrugged. “I don’t know. This place just reminds me of somewhere back home, I guess. And being here with you, it feels like I’m back in Cali.”
    Jake smiled. She’s so pretty. I wonder who upset her. Couldn’t have been a boyfriend cuz who could bear to make someone as cute as her upset? “Do you have a boyfriend?” he blurted.
   Aria blinked rapidly, startled by his sudden question. “I…,” she paused, feeling upset again, “don’t have one.”
    He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Oh. Sorry. Did I make you remember something sad?”
     “It’s fine. You didn’t know.” She thanked the waiter who had arrived and set their pizzas down in front of them. They ate in an awkward silence.
     Aria shivered as they stepped out of the restaurant after paying. Jake took his jacket off and draped it over her shoulders. “Here. Take it.”
    “It’s fine,” Aria tried to take it off, but Jake stopped her with a smile.
    “Please? As an apology for screwing up dinner?”
    She smiled at him. “You didn’t screw it up.” They began walking up the street.
    “Nah, I’m pretty sure I screwed it up,” he nodded vigorously. Aria giggled. He looked at her. “Where’s your place? I’ll walk you.” Aria pointed in the right direction, thanking him for his kindness.
     At the door to the apartment, Aria slipped his jacket off of herself. “Even though today started off really badly, I’m glad I got to make a friend like you,” she said.
     Damn, she is just too cute when she smiles! Then he realized she’d said “friend” and his heart throbbed a little. Must be cautious. Can’t get stuck in the “friend zone.” He took his phone out. “Can we exchange numbers?”
     “Sure!” she pulled her phone out and noticed she had set it to silent. There were ten missed call messages and ten text messages. Her heart sank when she saw they were all from Marcus.
    “Everything cool?” Jake asked, picking up on her change of mood.
    “Yeah. Here, give me your phone, I’ll add my number and you can call or text me later,” she said, pocketing her phone again.
     Jake handed his phone over and watched as she added her number. “Hope we can chill again soon.”
     She smiled, somewhat sadly as she passed his phone back to him. “Yeah. It was fun. Goodnight.”
     He bowed a little. “Night.”
     Aria entered the apartment as he walked away. She slumped into her room and onto her bed, laying down face-first. Suddenly, her phone played a little tone as she received a text. She opened it to see it was from Jake:
     Smile, Cutie. No pouting!

     Hardly a minute after he’d sent it, Aria replied:

     You can’t tell me what to do. Lol

     And thus they texted until Aria fell asleep.

     The next Monday, they found that Jake really did go to the same college as Aria and Alissa, though he had a different major which explained why they hadn’t met before. He began to spend a lot of time with them on and off campus because he was developing feelings for Aria, who was completely oblivious. To Aria, Jake was just a good guy she happened to meet on a terrible day.
     Two weeks passed before Marcus got tired of the situation and went to go find Aria and talk to her. He stood waiting outside her apartment, leaning on the wall and tapping his foot impatiently. When he heard Aria’s voice, he stood up straight and went over in his head one more time what he was going to say to her. The moment she rounded the corner, his jaw dropped. Jake had his arm around Aria’s shoulders and they were laughing heartily about how Aria had just almost fallen on her face after tripping over her own laces. She gasped as soon as she saw him. “M-Marcus, what are you doing here?” She sighed. “You didn’t have a fight with your dad and run away again, did you?”
     “No,” Marcus glared at Jake, who quickly removed his arm from Aria’s shoulders. “I came to talk to you.”
     Aria cocked her head to the side, confused. “To me? Why? Everything ok?”
     He nodded. “Dad’s miserable.”
     Aria froze and her face became expressionless. “Oh? I’m sorry to hear that.” She pulled her key out and unlocked the door, stepping inside. Marcus and Jake followed.
     “He’s stupid, Aria. I don’t know what he said to you, but I’m sure he didn’t mean it.”
     She threw her bag on the couch before going to get a bottle of water out of the fridge. “Your father is a grown man. He knows how to think before saying something. If he didn’t mean it, he wouldn’t have said it.”
     Marcus groaned. “Aria, you give him way too much credit. Look, just come see him, ok? He’s moping around the apartment. I’m not even sure he’s showered in a couple days. Aria, he-”
     She slammed the water bottle down on the counter. In the calmest voice she could manage, she said, “Marcus, enough.” Turning her gaze to him, he and Jake could see her rage clear in her eyes. “If your father wanted to see me, he’d come see me. But he won’t. He doesn’t want to. Say what you will. Whether it’s true or not, nothing changes. Please go now. Just go.”
     Marcus nodded sadly. “Sorry I bothered you.”
     Jake waited for the sound of the door closing behind Marcus before asking quietly, “That kid’s dad…he and you…were together?”
     Not looking at him, Aria scoffed. “What? You think it’s weird don’t you? For me to fall for his father.”
     Jake shook his head slowly and stepped closer to her. “Not at all. You can’t help falling in love. It just happens.”
     Fighting tears, she swallowed hard. “Right? I think so too. But…he…what am I saying? That’s not the problem. I’m the problem.”
     He took another step closer. “That’s impossible. You’re amazing.”
     She laughed halfheartedly. “You hardly even know me.”
     He hugged her from behind. “I could tell the moment I met you. There’s no one like you, Aria. He’s truly stupid if he can’t see that.”
     Aria was startled by Jake’s behavior. She squirmed a little, trying to break free of his embrace. “Jake, let go.”
     He turned her around to face him, holding onto her arms. “I’m falling for you, Aria. I’ll definitely treat you better than that guy. I’ll never make you cry.” He leaned in to kiss her, but just as their lips were about to touch, there was a knock on the door. In his surprise, Jake loosened his grip and Aria took the chance to slip away and answer the door.
     “Ah! Aria, have you seen Marcus? He isn’t answering his phone and he suddenly disappeared again.”
     Aria just stared at Jason. He hadn’t shaved recently so he had considerable stubble. His hair was even messier than normal and he had clearly doused himself with cologne in lieu of taking a shower. Jake came to see who was at the door. “Whoa! You’re that actor, aren’t you?”
     Jason felt frozen. Who the fuck is this guy? Why is he with Aria? Are they alone? Why are they alone? Pissed off, he clenched his fists. “Well, looks like you got over me fast, didn’t you?”
     In that instant, Aria was ready to clock him right in the face, but held back and said through gritted teeth, “Shut your fucking mouth.”
     “So I’m not wrong?” He turned to Jake. “Has she told you, you’re the love of her life, too?”
     Aria felt like crying, more so out of anger than sadness. “Fuck you! You’re the one broke up with me after saying you loved me!”
     “So fucking what? I did it with your best interest in mind!”
     “I don’t need you to make decisions for me!”
     “Like how you decided to go out and get yourself a new man so soon? And he’s young too. So you really were just toying with me, is that it?”
     She couldn’t hold them back anymore, tears streamed down her cheeks as she screamed, “I’ve never toyed with you! I loved you! I still love you! Even though you’re a fucking prick who only thinks about things from his own side and doesn’t even once consider how I feel! Jake and I aren’t like that! And yes, I’ve seen Marcus! He came by to try and fix you’re fucking problem!” She slammed the door shut and fell to her knees.
     Jason pounded on the door. “Aria! Aria, open up!”
     “Shut up! Go away! I hate you!”
     Jason leaned his forehead against the door and said softly. “Please, Aria. I’m sorry. You’re right. I’m a dick. A huge, selfish, insecure dick and I’m sorry. I fucked up. I didn’t think it through. I hurt you. I have never wanted to cause you pain, but it seems like that’s all I’m good at.” He pressed his hands on the door. “Ever since that day, I’ve been feeling terrible. I’ve wanted to see you so badly, but I thought you wouldn’t want to see me. I’ve tried calling you, but the second I heard the first ring, I’d hang up. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Aria, I’m a fucking mess. I can’t think straight. I just want to be near you again. I want to hear your voice. I want to see your smile. I want to hold you close. I want to kiss you. Please, Aria, just open the door. Let me see you. I’m so sorry.”
     Aria didn’t move. She didn’t know what to do. Jake crouched beside her. “You love him, right?” She nodded and he sighed. “Then open the fucking door.” He stood up, lifting her up to her feet too.
     “I’m sorry,” she said without looking at him.
     “For what?” Jake asked as he grabbed his bag.
     “Not noticing your feelings.”
     His heart throbbed. “Don’t worry about it. Just be happy.” He ruffled her hair and opened the door, pausing beside Jason before leaving. He whispered quickly, “Screw up again, and I will I definitely take your place.”
     Jason shook off the warning and hurried over to Aria, wanting to hold her, but hesitating. “Aria?”
     She looked up at him, no longer crying, but with eyes red from having done so. “Why can’t you just believe in me? In us?”
     Unable to resist anymore, he held her close to him. “I’ve been alone for so long. I’m just not used to it. But I swear I won’t push you away anymore.” He pulled back to look into her eyes. “I swear it, Aria.”
     She clutched his shirt, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. Then she looked to the doorway when she heard a chuckle. “Marcus! Why, you little-”
     “I’d let you finish, but that didn’t sound like it was gonna be a thank you.” He walked up and patted his father’s back. “Go take a shower and get cleaned up now. Then you two can go on a date. Alissa and I made reservations for you at that nice new Italian place.”
     Aria shook her head. “Marcus, you’re really something else, you know that?”
     With a smile, he responded, “I’m gonna go ahead and take that as a compliment.” He pulled up a small toiletries bag. “Here, Dad. Aria, he can use your shower, right?” She nodded. “Hurry up!”
     Jason, still a bit confused by his son, took the bag and went to shower.

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